• Dessalines
    12 minutes ago

    Philip K Dick - The three stigmata of palmer eldritch.

    It’s like a dream, where you forget where you came from, but at the same time there are powerful themes that are personally and emotionally affecting. Like an acid trip or religious experience, you aren’t the same person after you’ve finished it, whatever lesson you got from it.

  • @distantsounds
    3 hours ago

    NOFX: The Hepatitis Bathtub. Wildest because it’s an autobiography, and they spill it all.
    Edit: find the audiobook if you can

  • bizarroland
    43 hours ago

    I’d say the first book of The Chronicles of Thomas covenant the unbeliever was a wild trip.

    In the story, Thomas covenant has leprosy. Due to the leprosy he is numb from the neck down even though he can still walk. He has no sensation when he touches anything and he cannot engage in his chosen profession which is writing. In a fit of pique he rescues a girl that almost gets hit by a car and gets isekaied.

    This was written in the late '70s so it was not a common trope at the time.

    He arrives in a world of magic on top of a mountain covered in Giant steps, he crawls his way down the mountain and encounters a girl who uses the magic of the land to heal him of his leprosy.

    Believing this is all a dream and trying to prove to himself that this is not real, he rapes the girl.

    The girls seems very distraught but pulls herself together and guides him into town and that is when he discovers that the white gold wedding ring on his finger is the source of wild magic.

    There is a great evil on the land that plans to destroy everything and he is the chosen person, the only person who can stop it.

    He has to fight against his disbelief of the world while reconciling his abhorrent actions with his own internal sense of morality in order to have a chance to go home again.

    This book spawned a 10 book series covering hundreds of years of history in the land with Thomas Covenant’s battle with the forces of evil and the lives of the people of the land resting in his leprosy numbed hands.

    It’s an amazing work but it is a rough read.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    146 hours ago

    I went into Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? blind. Hadn’t seen the movie, hadn’t read any other Dick, hadn’t even had it hyped to me by a friend. What a series of mindfucks.

    • RuBisCO
      43 hours ago

      Lies, Inc. is another by PKD that will leave your head spinning.

    • ProdigalFrog
      3 hours ago

      The only Philip K. Dick I’ve read is Flow my tears the policeman said (epic title). It’s pretty linear and coherent until one point towards the end where, without question, 'ol Dick popped some acid.

    • @[email protected]
      35 hours ago

      If you want something really wild by him you can try Valis. Going in blind or not won’t really make a difference.

  • @greedytacothief
    13 hours ago

    I don’t know about wild, but UNSONG has been a very weird trip. It’s like science fiction, except instead of science its Jewish kabbalah. There’s angels, demons, alt history American politics, religious references that are truly esoteric, and puns… lots and lots of puns.

  • SanguinePar
    55 hours ago

    Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is an obvious but nonetheless relevant answer. What a ride.

    Also Infinite Jest.

  • @[email protected]
    24 hours ago

    Dhalgren by Samuel Delany

    (Close race with House of Leaves, but ultimately House of Leaves was telling a specific story, whereas Dhalgren is a semi-incoherent drug trip. Loved both books, though.)

  • @BatmansButt
    7 hours ago

    Not a book, but a webcomic: https://elan.school/

    Be careful what you wish for OP, this is THE WILDEST shit you will ever read (at least top 5, guaranteed) and the worst/best part is that it’s all true.

    Also, its VERY addictive so clear your schedule.

    You’ve been warned.

    You’ve ALL been warned.

    • @LemmyKnowsBest
      54 hours ago

      No it’s NOT all true. It begins true, like the first couple chapters, then it spirals into 100% creative fiction. Please do not trouble your brain & emotions over fiction.

    • @JusticeForPorygon
      25 hours ago

      You know I’d rather not read about that “school” again.

    • @Ledivin
      77 hours ago

      I remember reading through the entire thing in one sitting… it is LONG. You can’t look away

      • @BatmansButt
        87 hours ago

        Yup, I started reading out of curiosity from a suggestion on a thread just like this one, then found myself 10 hours later feeling like I’d come down from an acid trip.

        I’m jealous of the people who can take that ride now, but also glad my ride with it is over. If that makes any sense.

  • @[email protected]
    197 hours ago

    Definitely House of Leaves. A story inside of a story, inside of a story, with all narrators being just a bit crazy. Text of different fonts, going all over the place and even upside down based on the story. Just make sure to get the physical copy.

      • @Hugin
        14 hours ago

        I’m pretty sure that was the intent.

  • @Hugin
    24 hours ago

    Naked Lunch. It’s a dark strange read but it suck with me.

  • ProdigalFrog
    3 hours ago

    The Book of Rack the Healer by Zach Hughes was pretty wild.

    It’s ‘New wave’ sci-fi from the 1970’s, and revolves around these mutated humans in a deeply poisonous and radioactive world where it’s forbidden to dig into the earth.

    The humans have evolved a carapice and internal air sacks that they fill to hold their breath before leaving their safe organic dome homes that change color depending on their mood. Some of the domes have women in them that don’t seem capable of complex thought, and live purely through sensory input, are telepathic, and are basically constantly edging themselves all day.

    It’s a drug fueled fever dream, for sure.

    • @[email protected]
      23 hours ago

      That sounds a bit like “The Prince in Waiting” by John Christopher (more famous for “The Tripods”), it’s a trilogy also set in the distant future after a nuclear war, where all machines have been outlawed and humans exist alongside dwarfs and mutants. Over the course of the trilogy, the protagonists (living in fairly alright areas) venture deeper into more and more radiated areas and encounter grotesque stuff.

      • ProdigalFrog
        13 hours ago

        Oh man, I adore the tripods, so I’ll be giving that a read for sure. Cheers for sharing!

    • @Hugin
      24 hours ago

      I found my next read. Copy ordered.

      I read Mother Load by Zach Huges decades ago. Not as strange as the one you describe but I still remember it.

  • Hello_there
    46 hours ago

    Strange new world by Heinlein.
    Martian Jesus comes back to earth and is like, wtf guys?

  • @Thewhizard
    57 hours ago

    I’m not sure if it’s the wildest but the first that comes to mind is “John Dies at the End”

  • @isyasad
    6 hours ago

    In elementary school I read this book called “Flawed Dogs” and it was unforgettably wild. It’s about a dog who escapes some kinda confinement by jumping over a barbed wire fence and loses his back legs in the process, and then joins a dog gang and does dog gang activities. Also one of the dog gang members was a cat in disguise.
    Honestly I should see if I can find a copy of it and reread it. It was pretty wild.

    edit: I looked it up and maybe I have a lot of the details wrong but it’s still pretty wild