• @11111one11111
    72 months ago

    They weren’t satisfied by the overwhelming evidence linking early alcohol and drug use to adhd diagnosis. Seems like there are way too many behavioral and developmental variables at play to make anybdifinative revelations studying link between alcohol use an intelligence.

  • Kairos
    42 months ago

    UTSW researchers used a random sample of 8,254 survey participants who answered questions about their drinking habits in 1992 and 2004

    They spelled “people with a higher IQ score said they drank more often when asked about it.” wrong.

  • @WoahWoah
    22 months ago

    Alternative headline: bunch of drunk professors devise study to prove it’s evidence of how smart they are

    But seriously, while there are only correlations between educational attainment and IQ, they are correlated, and most very smart people I know also drink like fucking fish. And they’re usually pretty fun to drink with.