I’ve just proudly cast my mail-in ballot. I didn’t vote for Harris, and I didn’t vote for Trump.

I chose to stand with the working class and voted for Rachele Fruit of the Socialist Workers Party!

So to everyone on Lemmy who’s been speculating about my vote, or that I live in Russia, or whatever other bizarre shit y’all come up with, you can stop now. :)

I’ve made my choice, and it’s one that aligns with real worker power and revolutionary change—not the crumbs the duopoly tosses our way.

  • @gdog05
    113 days ago

    I don’t know what to tell you. In a two party system, you essentially voted against the minority D or R candidate. You didn’t effectively vote FOR someone. I’m not happy about the system, but it’s what we’ve currently got.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
      3 days ago

      That’s the lie they want you to believe—to keep you trapped between two evils, when real change comes from voting for workers, not the corrupt machines of the duopoly!

      I voted FOR someone: Rachele Fruit.

      • @gdog05
        63 days ago

        Rachele Fruit does not have a chance of winning greater than 5%. Best numbers I’m seeing, it’s much less than 2%. So, you did vote for a person but not a candidate. I don’t know how to explain this any better.

        • TheTechnician27
          118 hours ago

          It’s pretty sad how they’re struggling with primary school math.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
          -123 days ago

          She was on my ballot, so she is a candidate. I don’t know how to explain this any better.

          So, you think voting for someone with less than 5% means it’s not a real vote? That’s exactly what the duopoly wants you to believe—to keep us trapped in their rigged system!

          A vote for Rachele Fruit isn’t just for a person, it’s a declaration that we refuse to settle for the crumbs of the Democrats and Republicans. It’s a step toward breaking their stranglehold and igniting the fire of real, working-class change.

          True power lies in voting for what you believe in, not what they tell you to accept.

  • @GroundedGator
    73 days ago

    You essentially threw your vote away in a first past the pole system. In our system only 2 candidates have a chance, because to win you have to have a simple majority of the electoral. There is no mathematical way for a third party to be viable.

    Your choice is only on the ballot in 6 states. All 6 states award their electoral votes in a winner take all manner. Those states have a total of 58 electoral votes, far below the 270 required to win.

    It sucks but this is the system we live in.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
      3 days ago

      The idea that only two candidates can ever be viable in this broken system is exactly why it must be challenged.

      My vote for Rachele Fruit is a vote to break free from the duopoly’s stranglehold, to build a movement that doesn’t settle for “the way things are,” but fights for the way things should be.

      Change doesn’t come from accepting the status quo; it comes from defying it.

      • @gdog05
        43 days ago

        I get that you want to vote for something different and more aligned. I get the sentiment, I get the want to do right. That doesn’t mean the reality changes because of your desires. Voting into the trashbin does not change the voting system or the electorate. If it were that easy it would already be done. To make the change you want, you will have to give up your free time and work the system. And then give up more free time and work people. And if you’re lucky, become charismatic enough to affect real change while you do all of that.

      • @makyo
        23 days ago

        Your vote isn’t going to change anything - you and me and a bunch of other people are going to have to work hard the other 364 days if we want to actually get reform.

      • @GroundedGator
        23 days ago

        I won’t disagree that it should be changed, but a protest vote is not the way. This is unlikely to change at the national level anytime soon, but things can be changed at the state and local levels. Push for ranked choice or star voting so that we can start moving towards meaningful votes and people can safely vote their conscience.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
          -83 days ago

          It’s a done deal. My vote has been cast and sent in. And I already push for ranked choice. Thank you!

      • @Clent
        53 days ago

        You’re attention seeking about your unique political stance. It’s the very definition of edgelording.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
          -53 days ago

          So let’s say your theory is correct. I’m just seeking attention. Aren’t you giving me what I want by replying?! See how that works?

          And let’s face it: YOU are the edgelord. Trying to be so cool and casual and above it all by accusing people of being edgelords. lmao

          • @Clent
            13 days ago

            Your mental gymnastics only serve to illustrate your intellectual similarity with any random Trump supporter.

            There’s no edge in these replies, only the display of a poorly educated mind. Only the post was edgelord.

            Like any edgelord, the facade fades the more you reply and you cannot resist not replying and not getting the last word. Vainly attempting to maintain an edge, no matter how dull.