Because I don’t, and pretending to feels dishonest. I’ll listen if they want to talk about it, but I’m not going to act interested, and I certainly won’t ask about it on my own. What I’m trying to figure out is whether people actually care, or if they’re just playing a social game that I’m simply not interested in.

I’m probably on the autistic spectrum, which likely explains this to some extent. But that’s not an excuse - being an asshole is perfectly compatible with autism, so before dunking on me, please realise I probably agree with your criticism.

  • @TrickDacy
    549 minutes ago

    I’ll listen if they want to talk about it, but I’m not going to act interested


  • @[email protected]
    15 minutes ago

    For a real friend? Absolutely! I’ll hunt them down. For a coworker or loose acquaintance? I care a little less, but it’s still nice to see occasional baby photos and vacation pics.

  • @[email protected]
    116 minutes ago

    Well I look at it like this: I don’t really care that much personally about my friends mundane things, but I do care about mine. I think that there isn’t a reason for them to care about my mundane things, but I enjoy having my mundane things listened to. I like that reciprocity, so I made an effort to listen and ask questions that show I’m engaged in the conversation. I try to express empathy by saying when a situation sounds tough or fun. I have noticed that “showing up” for the conversation is what our friends want a lot of the time, and that’s what we want as well a lot of the time. I have also noticed that after a few sessions of “showing up”, I can actually get engaged and move beyond just showing up. I have a buddy who has a sick grandma, and the first few mentions of her I kinda had the same thoughts, like, I don’t care about this lady, why should I listen. I showed up anyways and it led to some interesting conversation about the nature of mental illness because she was remembering very vivid details from her past and that led to some interesting convos about all that. I think that being able to find the enjoyment in a small talk conversation is definitely a skill, but it is rewarding in both your interpersonal relationships and in learning new things through unexpected exposure to new concepts. As a fellow autist, I’m pretty information driven, but neurotypical people, I think, are more feelings driven. The small talk stuff is super important to them and they put that up front first, I guess to judge your character? I’m not sure why, but I have noticed better interactions after I have engaged in small talk. It really is a trainable skill and when you get good at small talk, it can be enjoyable!

  • @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    How good of a friend are we talking? I care about my roommate’s new nephew. I know his sister, and we’ve played D&D with his brother-in-law. The baby is, like, a relevant part of being friends with them. Similarly, if he went on vacation I’d want to hear about how it went, especially if anything interesting happened.

    On the other hand some of my coworkers at my last job liked to talk about this kind of stuff, and I didn’t really care, but it was nice to have something to talk about while I was setting up a new printer for them, or whatever.

    • @[email protected]OP
      18 minutes ago

      I don’t feel like it makes much difference whether the person is close to me or not. It’s not that I don’t care about what happens to these people, but a huge part of the topics people generally small talk about are the kinds of mundane things I have almost zero interest in discussing. For example, if something interesting happened to you over the weekend, I assume you’re just going to tell me about it - I would. But I sometimes feel like people expect me to ask about those things, and when I see others do it, I’m often a bit skeptical about whether they’re actually interested or just going through the motions. Thus this thread.

  • @Sarmyth
    335 hours ago

    As i got older, I cared more. I uses to listen politely, then I started to look forward to hearing about my friends and family lives. Now I’m one of those guys who calls to ask for updates. 😆

  • @[email protected]
    84 hours ago

    I care, usually not very much, but somewhere above zero. It’s good that they actually have something to talk about which therefore gives us something to talk about. Holidays overseas are a bit easier than kids because there’s some relatability there but whatever they’re talking about it’s usually more the person talking about it that’s interesting more than the thing. You’re already friends, so you already enjoy their insights or way of talking about things and you’ve probably been there for a fair few of their important life events so it’s nice to hear about the latest ones and how that’s shaping then today as others shaped them before.

    Because I don’t have kids and wasn’t on their vacation for me there is a natural limit imposed on just how interesting it can be hence saying I don’t exactly care a whole lot, but it’s usually at least enough to make sharing a beer more satisfying.

  • @solrize
    507 hours ago

    I don’t get all wrapped up in imagining sharing the experience or anything like that, but it’s always nice to get a factual update about the other person. And if they have something interesting to say about whatever it is, that’s good too.

  • @[email protected]
    125 hours ago

    Somebody I care about has had an incredible event or experience in their life. Of course I care and want to hear about it.

  • @Jikim
    246 hours ago

    Yes I do care. The reason i care is because it makes me happy for them as a friend that they’re going through or went through an event that brought them joy or enriched their lives somehow.

    If it’s a coworker then I’m usually doing it to be nice, but also because if you’re spending a considerable amount of time with your coworkers each day, you’ll probably have a more enjoyable work culture if you get to know your coworkers.

  • @[email protected]
    24 hours ago

    If i have somewhere else to be or am short on time, then yea, i cant wait for them to finish telling me whatever they are telling me. Otherwise i can usually challange them with some questions or Insights, to create a two way conversation. Sure, if the person is someone i dont know well, ill usually not ask questions, and i am indeed not interested.

  • @idiomaddict
    126 hours ago

    Autistic and I don’t care, but I do listen and I try to do it well.

  • @Wrongdoer4094
    6 hours ago

    For some stuff I don’t care, some other makes me jealous and some other is actually cool to discover/learn (think of some new place to have lunch/dinner or some hobby you didn’t know about your friend).

    But in general I am with you, and I also feel like most people liking and commenting are playing the social game.

    I am not very active in social networks, though…

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    66 hours ago

    Vacations, you gotta treat like MySpace. Set your top 8, and make sure you choose your top 8 wisely.

    8 photos I feel like can easily net you a good 25 minute conversation.

    Babies/pets? Show me 1-2 photos. Don’t overdo it. You’re going to have more photos as time goes on. This isn’t a vacation where you have a finite amount of content. You’ll show me a photo of your baby being cute. Hey, that’s great. We’ll talk about it for a few minutes. But we’ll also talk about it for a few minutes next week when your baby is going to be cute again. So it’s not like I want to spend all day talking about your baby. Your baby is cute, I’m happy for you, but lets move on.

  • @RonnieB
    76 hours ago

    A baby and a vacation aren’t comparable.

    Do I “care” about every little detail of their vacation? No, but I’m glad they are happy and had a good time.

    People like to talk about their experiences, it’s not really a game.