• @antaymonkey
    412 days ago

    Hasn’t SQ42 already had multiple release date announcements? This is a joke, right?

      • @Fades
        4 hours ago

        They said it was nearly complete in 2016, so that makes sense to be honest. I don’t know why everyone is bitching about this.

        Surely nearly every other game in existence has also required ten years of polishing after development is finished!!

    • @Tattorack
      202 days ago

      Yes, but this time they recently showed off a whole hour of gameplay from the start of SQ42… Which mostly consisted of cutscenes.

  • @momocchi
    492 days ago

    Yeah because Chris Roberts is so well known for reliable release dates

      • @[email protected]
        262 days ago

        Man, you young folks must not have been around for E3, or all the various leaked E3 presentation builds of games over the years.

        You can pull off some amazing looking stuff with just scripting the hell out of everything and only showing what you want people to see. Toss in some obviously unfinished stuff to make it all look more legit.

        Gameplay “demos” that are not open to the public to mess with are just ad reel by another name.

        • @Fades
          24 hours ago

          Did those games you’re talking about take gamers money first, and then subsequently failed to release much of anything for the next thirteen years?

          Kinda sorta not the same at all.

      • @momocchi
        302 days ago

        I’m sure its plausible, but I just have no faith left in them to stick to a date so would not be at all surprised to see it slip

        • @[email protected]
          2 days ago

          Genuinely though, they’re right I’m surprised it’s not a 2025 release date.

          2026 is plenty of time to finish an animation-heavy linear “CoD/Battlefield in space” campaign that is supposed to be feature complete and playable already.

          Squadron 42 is nothing like Star Citizen. It’s about as impressive as a 2004 Morrowind-lookalike single-player Elwynn Forest to Deadmines to Onyxia campaign with a preset character running around in a modified World of Warcraft engine, while the devs are struggling and failing to make 40 player raids and Alterac Valley possible.

          I’m not particularly interested in Chris Robert’s toy space opera, using SC’s fantastic assets to make a silly Top Gun space parody while SC fails to realize its actually interesting goals, like large scale combined arms “star wars” warfare in a completely open space and planetside theater where boarding capital ships is possible.

          I don’t see them stabilizing SC ever, it seems like it’ll never be playable by anyone without an incredible patience for bullshit and faff. I’m just $90 deep but I’ll be very happy if I’m wrong and my Arrow gets to see their grandiose galaxy.

          But SQ42? Sure. 2026 makes sense.

      • DarkThoughts
        92 days ago

        I heard the same bullshit about a 2016 release of SC. It’s nothing but copium. It’s laughably easy to show “gameplay” of a prepared show demo, even if nothing of the actual game actually existed. Roberts has done this so many times already.

  • @fulg
    232 days ago

    I look forward to the delay announcement in two years.

  • @[email protected]
    152 days ago

    I still have my pledge to SC, ~$25 so not a big one, but I’ve all but lost hope on a release of the full scope of the game as it was set out years ago thanks to the massive amount of feature creep and mismanagement.

    • @[email protected]
      81 day ago

      I hop in every so often, fly my Cutlass around, blow some shit up, check out the ground game and then go back to Elite. I got my money’s worth. Still need to check out 3.24

    • Random Dent
      82 days ago

      Yeah I’m similar, I’m in for about $45 or so from the Kickstarter. I wrote it off and stopped paying attention about 6-7 years ago (it was already pretty far behind then!) but I figure, I’ve wasted more money on dumber stuff before, and if an actual game ever does happen to materialise then I’ll give it a look.

    • @[email protected]
      32 days ago

      I’ve also got the cheapest possible pledge. Played the game with friends a bunch, was a lot of fun when it worked.

      Honestly, I feel like I got my money’s worth. If it comes out, nice, if it doesn’t, oh well.

  • @[email protected]
    112 days ago

    If you want to play a space flight combat game, Everspace 1 and 2 have both come out in less time than Star Citizen, and I’d bet my life Everspace 3 will also be out before Star Citizen.

    • @QuadratureSurfer
      31 day ago

      I think you meant Squadron 42.

      Star Citizen is an MMO while Everspace and Squadron 42 are single player games.

      • @Fades
        14 hours ago

        Yeah but the doesn’t make OP wrong, the devs said in 2016 that sq42 was essentially down and needed some final polish and now we learn it won’t be ready till 2026.

        Safe bet squadron 42 will miss yet another promised date

        • @QuadratureSurfer
          13 hours ago

          You’re misunderstanding what I am saying.

          I wasn’t saying that OP was wrong about delays. I was pointing out that if you’re trying to compare space games, you need to compare the proper game type.

          Comparing Everspace to Squadron 42 makes sense because they’re both single player games.

          On the other hand, trying to tell people to play Everspace instead of Star Citizen would be like trying to tell people that they should play Skyrim instead of World of Warcraft. One is a single player game while the other game is an MMO.

  • @warbond
    01 day ago

    Is there a Lemmy community for people who don’t just shit on the game? Tired of just hearing about how it’s a scam. Does anybody play this and enjoy it?

    • @[email protected]
      13 hours ago

      I really enjoy Star Citizen as it is right now. They push put huge updates every quarter so it’s getting better and better. I paid $45 and have hundreds of hours of fun. The energy people spend hating this game, inventing conpiracies, and circle jerking misinformation is super irritating. The hive mind’s assumptions are wrong, the lived experiences of a growing number of players is fact. This game would have gone bust long ago if it wasn’t fun, a scam, or not making steady progress. Instead it’s revenue and player counts go up every year. The people who try it stick around more often than not.

    • @[email protected]
      223 hours ago

      There was a big convention recently where they dropped details and a demo.

      AI media enjoyers are looking to get your clicks!

    • @Retrograde
      41 day ago

      I play it and enjoy it. Haven’t spent more than $45 and have put in hundreds of hours with friends.

      There is a Lemmy SC community but it’s pretty dead unfortunately

      • @warbond
        416 hours ago

        I think being on Lemmy is part of the issue. The Venn diagram of people who left Reddit for Lemmy and the people who support pie in the sky games like SC doesn’t have a whole lot of overlap in the middle, I wouldn’t think.

        Anyway, any particular gameplay loop you’re excited for?

        • @[email protected]
          3 hours ago

          My personal loop these days is singing along to my show-tunes paylist while delivering space cargo, which is (usually) super chill. But I’m excited about expansions to multicrew stuff. I’m a fly boy, a big aviation nerd irl. I want to fly, and I want a Chewbacca to help with the other stuff. It’s just a matter of tricking a player into swearing a life debt…

        • @Retrograde
          6 hours ago

          Too true about the venn diagram. If SC was on Linux, I bet the Lemmy community would be thriving lol.

          As for what I’m excited for, honestly just new star systems. I’m getting really tired of the original Stanton system as I’ve done and seen pretty much everything it has. The new system Pyro is apparently supposed to release before the end of the year so that would be really cool to see.

          In the meantime we’ve been doing illegal bounty missions which has you destroying law abiding NPC ships and pirating their loot- it’s pretty fun and you can make a fortune doing it :)

          • @QuadratureSurfer
            2 hours ago

            Instructions to run SC on Linux can be found here: https://github.com/starcitizen-lug/knowledge-base/wiki

            The Linux User Group organization is one of the largest orgs (currently 13th) in Star Citizen.

            Edit - link to orgs sorted by size: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/orgs/listing?sort=size_desc

            Edit 2 - While SC can be run on Linux today, it’s not officially supported yet, but they do have plans to support it now that Vulkan can be used:

          • @Fades
            14 hours ago

            Yes, because the problem is the OS it runs on and not that the devs can do nothing but lie.

            Squadron 42 was nearly complete and needed polish in 2023 and now we learn a year later it’s delayed till 2026.

            Just like the game itself started production in 2011 and has since missed date after date after date and produced an expensive and constantly broken tech demo mess.

            But yeah if only it were on Linux and has nothing to do with the misuse of funds and said broken promises

      • @warbond
        117 hours ago

        I thought of that, but I don’t think I’m the best fit for that kind of time investment.