• @LovingHippieCat
    4 months ago

    He said this when asked whether he thinks she worked at McDonald’s

    “I know she didn’t. We checked it out,” the former president said. “They said she never worked here. She even picked the store. We went to the manager. The manager’s been there forever. ‘You remember her. No, she never worked here.’”

    This is fucking hilarious. Harris is 60 this month. She says she worked there as an undergrad so let’s be generous and say 21. That means that it was 38-39 years ago. So the manager must be at least mid 60s. Which I just kinda doubt. Seems crazy that a manager of McDonald’s from the mid 80s is still working at the exact same McDonald’s as the manager. And if they are the exact same manager, there has probably been hundreds of people who have worked there in the last 40 years, I doubt they remember any of them.

    Edit:not teens, during undergraduate, numbers updated

    • Funderpants
      204 months ago

      Well yea, we know he lied, why don’t his voters care? I would care if someone lied so brazenly to me all the time.

    • @barsquid
      154 months ago

      I don’t know why anyone should give a fuck even if Harris lied about working at McDonald’s. If she lied, the lie is so soft it neither compares against the worst things she’s done nor does it register against Donald’s absolute tsunami of falsehoods.

  • @RoidingOldMan
    454 months ago

    I would never have known Harris worked at McDonalds, but Trump will not shut up about it.

    • @fluxion
      344 months ago

      He just can’t accept the thought of some peasant fast food worker making their way to the top

  • Snot Flickerman
    4 months ago


    This just in, a Pennsylvania McDonald’s has been shut down for violating numerous health codes during and after Donald Trumps visit. What officials described as a “cloud of fecal bacteria” descended upon the building upon Trumps entrance, and has lasted many weeks since, even after a building fumigation. Officials say the McDonald’s in question may have to be condemned.

    McDonald’s refused questions about whether or not their ice cream machine was in operation.

  • @sorval_the_eeter
    4 months ago

    Trump put on an apron and took pictures for the media of him working behind the counter scooping fries. The guy has uncontrollable anal leakage to the point that he has to sit on pads so he doesnt stain couches, but Mcdonalds let him into the food prep area to touch peoples food???

    WTF, mcdonalds. First you give away free food to the IDF, and now you quite literally smear shit on food for a photo op?


    • @Axxys
      34 months ago

      The towel/couch thing is not true. It looked like it on the pic and there were memes about it, but in the video it’s clearly just his ridiculously long suit ties.

      Trump has a million other valid things to mock, don’t mock the debunked stuff or we’re no better than Fox News.

  • @dhork
    224 months ago

    Lordy, I hope there are tapes!

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Make him clean the bathroom.

    Edit bonus: He’s a germaphobe, it’ll be hell for him in ways beyond what you or I would experience.

    • @FanciestPants
      14 months ago

      I immediately thought of this, and wished I lived in the area just so I could go leave the most devastating shit in one of those toilets.

  • Maxnmy's
    164 months ago

    This is his most absurd photo op yet. I do not believe he is certified to handle food. If he doesn’t know how not to contaminate food then he’d be putting the health of customers in danger.

    • @return2ozmaOP
      34 months ago

      Coming soon “orange cheese dusted Big Mac”

  • @Snapz
    154 months ago

    Someone else brought up such a great reminder - Marie Antoinette had a little fake village built for her so she could pretend to be a poor person. Servents would have to work in the fake businesses and like, sell her a loaf of bread and shit.

    Absolutely no idea why I’m bringing that up in this specific thread.

  • originalucifer
    144 months ago

    guy couldnt sit through a one hour interview, theres no way he spends more than 5 minutes in the back of that mcdonalds. and as far as doing anything? no way. they are going to demo all the equipment while he pretends hes helping.

    its like taking your toddler to work.

    • @[email protected]
      54 months ago

      Hmm. No, not qualified to work at McDonald’s. But don’t feel so bad. Not everyone can pass the background check and keep the sexual harassment policy.

    • @ChowJeeBai
      24 months ago

      Was just gonna say… I’ve seen this plotline before…

  • @Passerby6497
    124 months ago

    Lol, Donnie dipshit couldn’t even drop a basket of fries without help. Probably too busy dropping a duce in his Huggies

  • @espentan
    114 months ago

    Why is he going to a McDonald’s to pretend to be working for a couple of minutes, what is that supposed to prove, or disprove? The theatre called politics in the US can be quite baffling.

    • @toynbee
      54 months ago

      I was wondering this, as well. Apparently Kamala says she worked at McDonald’s previously and Trump claims that she’s lying. Since that matters for some reason, he’s working at McDonald’s to draw attention to the alleged lie.

      I think that’s what’s happening, but don’t take the above as gospel.

  • @danekrae
    104 months ago

    A very good way of getting him elected again, is to give him publicity.