I started this community earlier but got sidetracked—now I’m officially back at it.

For all the haters who thought I was a bot or some Russian team just posting propaganda (because yeah, I’m a socialist so I must be Russian, right?! lol), sorry to disappoint:

I’m 55 years old, 6 ft tall, and as of today in this pic, weigh 176 lbs.

This is my official “before” pic, and no, I’m not naked—just wearing pajamas. Didn’t take legs pic today, but I’ll do tomorrow along with measurements.

Been doing my daily mile and lighter versions of this workout for the last couple of weeks, but today, I’m going all-in with the Murder Hornet 100 baby!!

100 reps, every day, for 100 days. No break. No excuses.

My biggest fear is actually the last week of November. We’re going to Vegas, and gf has already told me I won’t be allowed to do this “stupid fucking exercise thing” there. I’m hoping that once she sees me doing it everyday, she’ll let me keep at it.

I was gonna just wait until after that week to start so no interruptions, but fuck it. I’ll try to push thru. The hotel has a gym, so I think I can do it. Except for Thanksgiving day, that may be a 3 am workout, so I can it in before I get yelled at.

Really curious to see if anything happens with my chest and arms since I’ll be hitting dips and upper body exercises every day w 100 reps. Arms are notoriously hard to grow, but we’ll see if this daily grind does anything. And mine have always resisted getting bigger, so this should be interesting. Or boring. I don’t know.

Not worried about legs because I already know squats will blow them up. My skinny leg pics tomorrow tho! GF was supposed to help me take pics, but she didn’t come over today, so mirror selfie for the win!

Not sure if I’ll do weekly updates since not much changes week to week—maybe just an “after” pic or monthly. Haven’t decided.

This is for my own documentation, so you can watch, ignore, laugh at it, or even join in. I’m doing it anyway

Not worried about overtraining. I used to work next to the Olympic Training Center—those folks trained all day, every day.

Not comparing myself to them, but trust me, the body adjusts.

OR I’m totally wrong, and my body will break down and I can proudly claim I’m an idiot for trying it. :)

EDIT: Yes, I know my downvote team will visit here. Yes, I know you all will laugh and make fun of me. Yes, I know you’ll troll me. Yes, I know I’m pathetic and vain.

Yes, I know that you don’t think I’m really American. Yes, I know you think I get paid in ‘russian bitcoinz’ and suck Putin’s microcock because I didn’t vote for Harris. You all tell me every day.

You can keep crying, and I’ll keep laughing about it. Thank you! :)

  • @TrickDacy
    820 hours ago

    That’s a lot of crying for a laugher… You were banned from politics. You definitely seem to like negative attention, but no, no one cares to criticize your appearance, assuming this is even your photo.

    People criticize you for a few things, zero of which are being socialist, and every critic I ever saw was annoyed with you because they are actually socialists and you are opposing them. While sealioning and posting, spending 32% of the time you would at a full time job.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
      19 hours ago

      That’s a lot of crying for a laugher… You were banned from politics.

      I bet! LMAO

      Not permabanned tho. Banned for a suspicious amount of time tho: Exactly 15 days. Hmmm, the exact time until the election. Almost as if people over there are afraid things. Because y’all are afraid of me interfering with the election! LMAO

      Which by the way, Harris is gonna win anyway. So you all are crying for shit. It won’t even be close. That’s why it’s hilarious. lol

      She’s going to win. I’ve always said she was going to win, but because I didn’t enough pro-harris articles, you all cried and accused me of sucking of Putin.

      I still like Jill Stein by the way. Even tho I didn’t vote for her. :)

      assuming this is even your photo.

      Yeah, I totally faked and created an entire physical challenge, and created a fake program that I’ll fakingly follow for 100 days all while uploading fake progress pics. Yeah, ok. To an audience of one. Sure. That’s my motive. Good catch!! lmao

      I’m not going anywhere, comrade. I’m not permabanned from politics (see ya in 15 days) and I’m not banned from this instance.

      So hey, enjoy your 15 days off. It won’t change the election results at all. Me not being there for 15 days won’t change not even one vote.

      Why? Because I never changed a vote. Wasn’t my goal. I still didn’t vote for your candidate though. I’m still posting news articles I find interesting. Funny how that works, huh?

      And I’m still laughing about how afraid you all are of differing opinions! Thank you! :)

      • @FiremanEdsRevenge
        12 hours ago

        You offer no differing opinion. You only post articles, and when people criticize, you refuse to engage. You’re a fucking troll. Hide in your safe space ya slimey creep. Have fun talking to yourself in your empty communities.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
          -410 hours ago

          Dude, Harrist is gonna win, like I always said she would. It won’t even be close.

          And I’ll see you in 14 days. You all cried and mods got scared I as doing election interference. The fact that you all think I have that much power is hiliarous to me! So don’t worry, when I’m back in that sub in 14 days, my first post will be “Told ya so!”

          Being a socialist, I’m just the the Duopoly being afraid of me. You keep crying and bitching, I’ll keep laughing. Thanks, comrade! :)

          • @FiremanEdsRevenge
            59 hours ago

            Lmao. You must love smelling your own farts because you think so highly of yourself. you’re a pathetic waste of human shit that is a disingenuous troll, that’s all. You’re not a socialist and you’re not being oppressed. You’re just a dork behind a computer with waaaaay too much time on their hands.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
              122 minutes ago

              Well I mean, the mods did make a special post just for me. And they also admitted that they don’t think I’m a team of people or a bot. And I actually got TEMPORARY banned for posting duplicate articles from different sources. LMAO

              Let’s take a look at what the mods said: https://lemmy.world/post/21115183

              The mods actually admitted that they don’t agree with you all and they don’t think that I’m a team of people or a bot.

              They are STILL removing uncivil comments directed toward me and I haven’t even posted there lately.

              Like you guys are still fucking crying and comments are getting removed. Guess I wasn’t the one causing the drama huh?! lmao https://lemmy.world/modlog/1252

              Notice they didn’t permaban me. So I guess they don’t think I’m a troll.

              AND I noticed they removed some of your comments about me! lolololololol

              You’re a fucking joke, mate. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has changed just because I was banned for 13 more days. I’m still posting. And I’m still laughing at you. Thank you! :)

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
              -28 hours ago

              Says the guy who is so afraid of what I have to say that he wants me censored. Lmao

              Us socialists aren’t going anywhere, friend. And we’ll continue to fight for workers rights and against the duopoly you worship so much…

              My temp politics ban ends in 14 days, so it’s not like I’ve been silenced or anything. It’s a temp ban in one community. Because they are afraid for the election. Even if it became a permaban, that wouldn’t stop me. lol

              I’ve been posting plenty and I haven’t slowed down at all. I’m on other instances too. Other communities. Isn’t the fediverse awesome!? :)

              I love that you’re so obsessed with me that you followed me here just to comment tho. Lmao

              Keep crying, I’ll keep laughing at you. Thanks, friend! :)

              • @DaddysLittleSlut
                36 hours ago

                I’m sorry but I seriously question if you know anything about worker rights? I’m not a socialist but I’ve studied business and more. So I understand how to completely change this world.

                • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
                  -15 hours ago

                  What makes you question if I know anything about worker’s rights? I’ve been union for most of my working life.

  • @JayleneSlide
    020 hours ago

    THAT’S your starting point?! DAMN! Looking good already. And JFC, I hate when people just go all crabs-in-a-bucket when someone tries to improve themselves.

    Yes, I was one of those pondering overtraining, and I apologize for coming across as a concern-troll. That came across badly.

    Have fun in Vegas and kick ass!

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
      -519 hours ago

      haha, thanks! Good bathroom lighting. I’m thinner than I want to be and I’d like to get to a lean 195. But every time I’ve tried to bulk, I lose ab definition. So I just sort have accepted the fact that I’m gonna stay skinny if I want abs. I’ve been skinny all my life.

      And no, I wasn’t pointing at ya when I was talking about overtraining. It’s a valid concern. And one I don’t actually have proof that I’m right. I THINK you and I talked about it before.

      It very well could be that olympic athletes can train more often because they are genetically inclined to handle it better. And even they can overtrain, it just takes a lot. So mere mortals like me, plus my age, can def blow apart my theory. 55 years ain’t no joke, man. No aches and pains yet, but muscles def stay sore longer now.

      But I also see prison guys who work out all the time, construction guys are working hard all day, so I just “feel” that I’m right. But I can totally be wrong.

      I finished the entire workout in 45 minutes, doing 5 sets of 20 reps. So it adds up to 100 each exercise, but it’s not quite as extreme as it sounds. Plus I watch the Pluto TV free channel and they have a channel just for MTV’s The Challenge. Having that on while i work out is the way to go for me.

      There’s here guy on there, Johnny Bananas, and he’s pretty much my internet personality. One reason I started the Murder Hornet 100 today is because I got banned for 15 days from the politics sub cuz everyone hates me and thinks I’m a troll. I’m not a troll, but yeah, I figured this would be fun to start while I waited out my ban!

      I’ve never been to Vegas! So I have no idea if I’ll be able to keep this routine up during the trip, or have to restart. I don’t drink anyway, so I think I can, but we’ll see. It’s howcome I should have started earlier when I was planning it, then I’d be done by Vegas. So I’m sorta annoyed with myself for the delay.

      Thanks for your support, and brother, you should join me and try this workout out! It’s miserable, but kinda fun. :)

      • @JayleneSlide
        6 hours ago

        I’d like to get to a lean 195

        0_0 Go get it!

        But every time I’ve tried to bulk, I lose ab definition

        I believe it was Lyle McDonald (maybe Doug McGuff?) that has a great book (which I can’t find now) that dives into body recomposition. One of the main points of the book was the challenges of recomposition is that our bodies have an internal set point for lean mass to subcutaneous fat ratios. It is difficult to change and maintain that set point. Stated another way, as we dial up our muscle mass, our bodies add a commensurate amount of subcu fat.

        I THINK you and I talked about it before

        Yep, that was us.

        I’ve never been to Vegas!

        Duuuude. I went for the very first time ten years ago. Holy hell. If I may make some suggestions on a few “don’t miss” things:

        • Tacos El Gordo: might not fit in your meal plan, but if there’s a splurge meal in your vacation, this one is it
        • Omega Mart: go prepared to spend at least a few hours exploring
        • Greenberg’s Deli in NYNY: best Reuben in the country
        • Conservatory at Bellagio: always seasonally decorated; the most dramatic time to see it is late at night
        • If there are a bunch of splurge meals in your trip: Block 16 and Momofuku in The Cosmopolitan
        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
          -15 hours ago

          Oh I’ll have to check out the Lyle book, that sounds interesting.

          And yes, vegas food tips will fit my meal plan, since I am actually bulking and working out, so get to EAT! :) I’ll def try to get around to your tips. Thanks!!