I’m not sure if this is controversial or not - but I (mostly) don’t like games that are primarily set underground.

There are a few exceptions to this, Dungeon Keeper and The Binding of Isaac spring to mind, but mostly I find it actively discouraging. Perhaps it’s a desire to explore under the sky, perhaps it’s that it feels claustrophobic, or perhaps it’s the gloom.

I don’t have a problem with the dark or claustrophobia in the real world, so it’s not that. Anything that involves dungeon crawling immediately puts me off. I don’t want to go down into the dark! I want to be outside!

I wasn’t a fan of the Metro series until Exodus, I bounced off Recettear as soon as the dungeon element was introduced. Anything that wants me to spend an extended period underground with monsters is just a massive turn-off for me. Sewer levels and the like also have this, to a lesser extent.

Anyone else have this specific dislike?

  • @Retro_unlimited
    254 minutes ago

    I get that way sometimes in Minecraft, when I’m under ground exploring then I get lost and feel trapped. After I get back out I then wonder why I left lol

  • @owenfromcanada
    31 hour ago

    For me, outside correlates with an open world, and underground correlates with a linear progression. I generally prefer the vibe of open world stuff. Underground stuff can sometimes have a lot less variation as well, which can get tiring. The general vibe is often designed to have a somewhat oppressive feel.

    Another difference is the sense of being cut off from a safe place (whether real or imagined)–outside feels more flexible with retreating to safety or restocking supplies while dungeons can limit your ability to “return to home base” as it were. I disliked dungeons a lot more when I was younger, turned out to be a generalized anxiety disorder. I enjoy a wider variety of games these days.

    Out of curiosity, have you played Baldur’s Gate 3? There’s a large area that would be interesting to see what you think of it.

  • @[email protected]
    63 hours ago

    I remember being outdoors feeling like a relief in the original Half-Life.

    In Far Cry, I definitely preferred being outside. Same with Metro.

    I think in most FPS games I’ve played, the player doesn’t have the developer ambush them with stuff outside. Maybe that’s a factor.

  • @[email protected]
    73 hours ago

    I don’t have an aversion to underground games, but I think on some level I don’t love games/movies set out in deserts, whether they’re sandy or rocky. I think in the back of my mind, I’m thinking “man, that looks uncomfortable and dry. I wouldn’t like being there.”

    I don’t avoid things set in deserts, and I’m sure I’ve seen/played many good things in that setting, so it may not be as strong as your underground thing, but yeah, I think I have something similar.

    Okay, that’s all, now we can proceed to call me Anakin Skywalker.

  • @[email protected]
    43 hours ago

    Mine is snow levels. I feel miserable playing them, like I was sitting outside in Sub-Zero temps.

  • @mossy_
    84 hours ago

    When I was a kid, one of my friends would refuse to go into caves in Skyrim cause they didn’t like being underground. I remember thinking “damn, you’ve locked yourself out of like 90% of the game but whatever floats your boat”

    I had a similar experience with Hollow Knight. Mind you, the entire map is underground, but there are certain very deep parts that are incredibly claustrophobic and I avoided them as much as I could.

    • @[email protected]
      44 hours ago

      refuse to go into caves in Skyrim

      Well there’s giant spiders in those caves, so he’s got the right idea.

      (I do not like spiders, I do not like giant spiders, I do not like giant surprise spiders the most.)

  • .Donuts
    65 hours ago

    Unpopular, maybe. Controversial, I hope not. Your opinion and experiences are valid.

    Can you pinpoint why it’s a turn off? I understand you’re saying you want to be outside, but is it from a feeling of being limited when you’re inside?

    Flipping it: do you prefer playing games that are in the sky like Bioshock Infinite over Bioshock 1/2 that are underground (on the sea floor)?

    • FlamekebabOP
      34 hours ago

      Hard to say. Perhaps I don’t like having my back (literally) against the wall. I associate being outside with the space to approach a task on my own terms.

      There’s perhaps also an element of growing up in places like Wales and Scotland where sunlight is at a bit of a premium!

      In the real world I quite like caves…

      • .Donuts
        24 hours ago

        I find it interesting but there might be no rhyme or reason to it - vibes often just work like that. Does the camera POV have an impact as well? Like first person vs third person vs isometric?

  • HubertManne
    13 hours ago

    Games are so real it triggers my agrophobia. Eleden ring in particular. Doing the parkour is scary as heck for me. I can barely stand it.