Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday hurled a series of personal attacks at Vice President Kamala Harris, calling her “lazy” — a word long used to demean Black people in racist terms — and repeatedly questioning her intelligence and stamina.

At an event in Miami aimed at courting Latino voters, he said Harris was “lazy as hell” for not holding a campaign event. Trump’s comments ignored that Harris spent her day in meetings in Washington and recording interviews with Telemundo and NBC. He referred to the first woman of color to lead a major party ticket as “slow” and having a “low IQ.”

Later in the day during a rally in Greensboro, North Carolina, he called Harris a “stupid person” and went on to ask: “Does she drink? Is she on drugs?”

Tuesday marked the first day in more than two weeks that Harris had no public events scheduled after a run of more than 14 consecutive days of travel to political events in pivotal states, including a three-state run on Monday, starting in Pennsylvania, continuing to Michigan and ending in Wisconsin.

  • @Lurkinney
    665 months ago

    I swear this is starting to feel like a fucked up advent calender where every day he’s going to say increasingly disturbed things culminating on Nov 5 when he finally drops the n bomb live

    • snooggums
      225 months ago

      I would love it if he just skipped to the nbomb instead of waiting until the last minute, so it might actually negatively impact him.

      • @[email protected]
        235 months ago

        Are you kidding? With what he’s already said and done? Anyone still on the Trump train isn’t going to hop off for that. Most of them probably use it among themselves anyway. His supporters would eat that shit up.

        • snooggums
          45 months ago

          It isn’t about the MAGA idiots, it is about motivating everyone else as higher turnout increase the odds of the Dems winning.

    • Orbituary
      5 months ago

      If he got elected and dropped it or worse afterward, what could we do that would not have been solved by voting.

      Vote. If not for Kamala, then vote against a truly existential and internal, real threat.

      Undo him for good.

  • Davel23
    545 months ago

    Says the guy who’s been cancelling events left and right.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      That’s because he’s lazy as hell and a stupid person. Does he drink? Is he on drugs?

    • @capital_sniff
      15 months ago

      It is already hard enough knowing a non zero percent of adults in our society voted for Trump. I’m not sure I could handle watching them vote for JD.

  • @[email protected]
    295 months ago

    She’s campaigning her ass off, while he needs to cancel events every day. He thinks we’re idiots who can’t see reality right in front of us. Go take another nap trump. Fuck off.

    • @rayyy
      85 months ago

      He thinks we’re idiots

      Well, he KNOWS almost half the people in the country are idiots… He is just trying to convince more to be idiots.

  • @Wrench
    225 months ago

    Well? She IS lazy.

    She hasn’t grifted anything for her own personal financial gain! No shoes, no watches, not even an NFT of herself in stupid poses!

    What else would you call someone like that, besides lazy?

  • @Crashumbc
    95 months ago

    I really wish we had another month before the election. The man is self destructing mentally.

    He’s about half a step from pulling out the N-word

  • Media Bias Fact CheckerB
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  • John Richard
    -85 months ago

    Let’s be real here. Calling her lazy isn’t racist unless he said it’s because she’s black. That doesn’t mean he isn’t racist, but claiming things that aren’t is only downplays the times that he says things that are much worse. People won’t take the Democrat party seriously if they’re always trying to make mountains out of molehills.

    • Funderpants
      5 months ago

      Trump doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt. He is a racist who says racist things, like this.

      • qprimed
        35 months ago

        I used to do this (and still despised the a-hole huckster), but then 2016 happened and we got a peek inside that rotting organ he calls a brain. no longer.

        • John Richard
          -155 months ago

          He’s terrible but that doesn’t mean everything the Democrats do is right.

            • John Richard
              -85 months ago

              Yeah you must be on a different site than me

    • snooggums
      155 months ago

      Let’s be real here. Calling her lazy isn’t racist unless he said it’s because she’s black.

      It is because she is black because he is a racist piece of shit. You can tell because of all the racist shit he says.

      Defending a racist piece of shit isn’t a good look btw.

      • John Richard
        -175 months ago

        Do you want to treat races as equal or not? Some black people are lazy and some white people are lazy. Imagine being so racist that you believe only white people can be lazy.

        • snooggums
          35 months ago

          Imagine being so racist that you defend a racist who called a black woman doing a whirlwind campaign tour lazy while the racist constsntly cancels interviews including those in their own house. Then taking a logical stumble by infering that a common racist trope means the opposite of the racist trope can’t be possible, like a five year old trying to excuse the fact that they shit their pants means by saying that if they shit their pants that must mean every five year old shits their pants too.

          You don’t have to imagine it, but some readers might.

          • John Richard
            -95 months ago

            Are you okay? Seriously it sounds like you’re just scared and it okay to be scared. If you shart your pants on accident it’s okay.

            • snooggums
              5 months ago

              It must be painful living a life alone because you drove everyone away with your toxic personality.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      125 months ago

      Let’s be real here. Calling her lazy isn’t racist unless he said it’s because she’s black

      Given that she’s not known to be lazy or anywhere close and he’s publicly super racist all the time, Occam’s Razor would conclude that that was indeed the only likely interpretation.

      Getting hung up on the overwhelmingly likely not being explicitly proven like this doesn’t make you sound reasonable and fair minded. It makes you sound like you’re looking for excuses to explain away racism.

      • John Richard
        -35 months ago

        Like I said he says plenty of bad stuff. When you can’t stay focused and you pick the dumbest things to get mad over not only do you end up acting just like Republicans but you end up pushing people towards them.

        • @Viking_Hippie
          45 months ago

          Dude. Perpetuating the slavery era stereotype that black people are inherently lazy and thus the black presidential candidate must be lazy is about as racist and disrespectful as it gets.

          It would be immediately disqualifying for any pre-2010 presidential candidate and tbh it SHOULD be.

      • John Richard
        -115 months ago

        Yeah her and Liz Cheney must be so exhausted talking about how they miss the good ol days of Bush and Dick Cheney.

    • @hate2bme
      -115 months ago

      I have been saying this. It makes Democrats look stupid.

    • @rottingleaf
      -115 months ago

      And molehills out of some mountains. Like their corporate support.

      • John Richard
        -125 months ago

        Lol. I saw you’ve got more downvotes than up votes for a simple but honest statement. People must be living in a different reality than us.

        • @rottingleaf
          -55 months ago

          Same reality, but they may think that it’ll become better if everybody thinks the same and is loyal to their party.

    • @Spiralvortexisalie
      -135 months ago

      Seriously the dems are trying to say calling someone lazy is inherently racist, like thats racist in itself. Oh lazy automatically means black folk ain’t shit, like are you serious? This is beyond stupid, the folks in charge can’t drive this truck anymore cause they clearly checked out of reality.

      • @Draces
        5 months ago

        lazy automatically means black folk ain’t shit

        Wtf are you on about?