• @pyre
      74 hours ago

      … sitting in jail.

    • @pdxfed
      52 hours ago

      The same dude whose company is suing to have the NLRB declared unconstitutional.

      Super healthy.

    • Tiefling IRL
      4 hours ago

      People interpreted this as a warning, but in reality it was a goal

  • Rentlar
    656 hours ago

    At this point, don’t let the news, horserace polls, TV and social media’s narratives of false equivalency (like how Trump wanting generals like Hitler’s is equally newsworthy as Harris not going on Joe Rogan’s show) paint your attitude.

    Give it your all, give it your best, vote, volunteer, encourage your friends, DO NOT GIVE UP until the day after Voting Day at least.

    As a Canadian I can’t vote, so I can feel especially helpless sometimes with what’s happening to the USA. What I can do is inject hope and positivity and courage to give Harris the best chance to cross the finish line. So take this energy and run with it until the end.

    • @PugJesusOP
      366 hours ago

      I remain optimistic about Harris’s chances, completely honestly. But even if my optimism is well-placed, it is vital that we remember this bullshit, not only in the lead-up to the election, but in the days after it. Fascist cunts will try to pretend none of this ever happened. We have to remember it, and cite it, and push it forward every time one of them tries to convince some burned-out swing voter that both sides are ‘just as bad’ or ‘the mainstream media is in the pockets of the DEMS!’

        • Rentlar
          76 hours ago

          That’s right I voted in my local provincial elections where a clear winner still hasn’t emerged. My local NDP MLA wrecked the hell out of her Conservative opponent in votes, thankfully.

          • SaltySalamander
            84 hours ago

            It was pretty clear what they meant if you had at least two functioning brain cells to rub together.

            • @SpaceNoodle
              3 hours ago

              It was pretty clear I was making a joke about their ambiguous wording if you weren’t a complete asshole.

              • @hemmes
                32 hours ago

                Here you dropped this

                (つˆ0ˆ)つ /s

    • @[email protected]
      -64 hours ago

      To be fair the Harris campaign hasn’t been able to get traction.

      It’s infuriating Harris is taking about medical records while Trump is planning to undermine the results.

      • @hemmes
        52 hours ago

        What do you mean? She’s on fire!

        • @[email protected]
          -32 hours ago

          No she’s not.

          There’s every chance she’s going to lose the election to a criminal, fascist, rapist, lying, insurrectionist octogenarian who’s only policies are lynching political opponents and tanking the global economy with a tarrif war.

          I like Harris immensely and I think she would make a fine president, and maybe go a long way to healing the yawning chasm between progressives and conservatives.

          However given the remaining likelihood that she will lose against such an opponent you have to agree that her campaign hasn’t really gotten traction.

          • @hemmes
            52 hours ago

            No, I actually don’t agree respectfully. I wholeheartedly disagree. I think she’s on fire.


    • @[email protected]
      4 hours ago

      DO NOT GIVE UP until the day after Voting Day at least.

      This kind of brought us into this place in the first place. If people had cared to push the Democratic party to deliver, rather than being the other right wing economic choice for the tech billionaires, the Reps being for the oil billionaires (although the tech billionaires seem to have grown much more fascist these years) they could actually bring proper policy. Especially the unwillingness to make deeply needed economic, social and political reforms is a result of the party remaining in the firm grip of established elites like Biden, Clintons, Obama… Of course the fascist get stronger every election, if the two choices are fascists and economic right to far right.

      Voting is not enough. It can merely be the start of digging the US out of the whole that it has moved itself into deeper and deeper.

      • Rentlar
        74 hours ago

        You’re right, voting is the first step of many to fix the country. People need a bit of a break from it all at some point. While tuning out for 4 years is what gets us in this situation, power through to election day then give a few weeks for voters to reward themselves if Harris succeeds.

        Remember that Harris and Walz aren’t even elites. For now they have to cater to voters of all stripes and billionaire, religious leader and warmongerer sympathies to an extent. Only once the nation has evaded the worst of outcomes, is there an opportunity for things to be fixed using normal processes. Downballot effects if it’s a massive blue wave would be huge for the country, and when Harris is preparing to take charge in January, people everywhere petition for change in the system from the people they freshly elected or re-elected.

  • Kalkaline
    246 hours ago

    All the gun nuts are going to be fucking pissed when they realize it’s Republicans that are going to confiscate their guns.

    • @PugJesusOP
      226 hours ago

      What makes you think they’ll ever realize it? The Dems will be blamed even if the party is banned, massacred, driven underground, and its last remaining members isolated in fucking Montana or some similar godforsaken place.

  • granolabar
    -977 hours ago

    God damn is this one getting pumped and reposted…

    DNC big mad?

    • @[email protected]
      766 hours ago

      Not sure why this story shouldn’t get this much air time, unless you think billionaires should just be able to buy and silence newspapers when they don’t like what they say. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      • @PugJesusOP
        266 hours ago

        Anything is permissible in the push for fascism, it would seem.

      • granolabar
        -636 hours ago

        I dont need to think anything, i just see thats what they do and thats how it always worked.

        Yall are the ones who are juicing fake outrage as if this is something new.

        Or did yall just now discover thay you live in oligarchy lol

        • @[email protected]
          326 hours ago

          Who is “yall” in this scenario, and why are you lumping me in with whoever that is because I think billionaires silencing journalism is indeed a story?

          Anyway sorry I’m not going to play more leftist than thou, hope you get whatever you’re needing out of that though I guess.

          • granolabar
            -456 hours ago

            People reposting this story endlesly and people larping it as if this is something new.

              • granolabar
                -356 hours ago

                The lesson here is oligarchy overall… Not that one guy did something that is essentially a vote of no confidence for your team lol

                • @MutilationWave
                  150 minutes ago

                  You have to be a fucking teenager. If you’re an adult you should take a test.

        • @Custodian1623
          75 hours ago

          some people value current empirical evidence over hearsay and ‘common sense’ when forming opinions I suppose

        • Flying Squid
          95 hours ago

          i just see thats what they do and thats how it always worked.

          Cool. No reason to change anything then! Everything’s great, just like it’s always been!

          • granolabar
            -185 hours ago

            You dont change anythinf by larping or voting for either of the parties.

            Change starts with 3p vote.

            • Flying Squid
              135 hours ago

              The I guess change is never going to happen. No third party candidate in the past 30 years has come even close to Ross Perot in the 1992 election. He got 18.9% of the vote. Do you know how many of the 270 electoral college delegates he needed to win that he got? Zero. Not a single delegate. You have to literally go back more than 100 years to find an example of a third party candidate even coming that close.

              So if that’s your big hope for change, you might as well just give up and get out of everyone else’s way.

              • granolabar
                -155 hours ago

                I dont play politics.

                Neither party supports me so I am voting 3p.

                Obviously no 3p is winning but i cant in good conscience to vote for the two party system.

                Such is life in opposition. This is a generational fight anyway.

                If there is ecer hope hope for a break out, it will be done via 3p votes upsetting the status quo.

                • Flying Squid
                  135 hours ago

                  When did this become just about you? You said change has to happen by voting third party.

                  Did you even work for a third party campaign this year? If so, which one and what did you do?

                  Or do you hope you can just talk about voting third party to random people on internet forums and use the rules laid out in The Secret and then it will come to pass?

    • Tsiolkovsky’all
      226 hours ago

      Nah. Folks are big mad because it’s exactly what we all expected when bezos bought the post. It didn’t immediately slide headlong into the void of bullshit pandering, so we developed a sense of false hope. Now it’s gone, we know it, we’re annoyed, and we’re mad about getting took.

      • Flying Squid
        5 hours ago

        Some people seem to think you should only get angry at things that are surprises. Like I get mad every time a Republican is a bigot even if I’m not surprised. Bigotry should make people mad whether or not it’s a surprise.

      • granolabar
        -135 hours ago

        Well he used his tool when it was good for him.

        WaPo and rest of these outlets are just that, mouth piece for the owner class.

        Yet we their trash is being endlessly reposted around socials. Why?

        • @Lag
          84 hours ago

          You seem dense on purpose. But just in case I’d like to point out that you’re in the news section.