I remember one post from a lot of years ago, in some web I can not remember, about Nintendo 64 manufacture history. I remember that it said that Sillicom Graphics (SGI) had heavy issues during the design/manufacture of the N64 RCP coprocessor. Because of this, finally this chip was made by other company, not SGI.

Recently I looked for that post but could not find it. I read other posts about this history but none talks about this SGI issue thing.

Does somebody know anything about this? Maybe is just me remembering it wrong.

  • @[email protected]
    84 months ago

    Says here SGI demoed the coprocessor to both Nintendo and Sega. Sega bowed out after their engineers found / perceived problems with the SGI design. I do not remember any behind the scenes article about the realtionship between Nintendo and SGI but having heard a lot of stories, I suspect the read would be entertaining …

    • @IlIllIIIllIlIlIIlIOP
      24 months ago

      Sorry, I was talking about the RCP, not CPU. I already fixed the OP. Thanks anyway.

  • @RightHandOfIkaros
    4 months ago

    SGI only made the RCP, Reality CoProcessor.

    NEC (who sold the PC Engine, PC-FX consoles and the PC-98XX series home computers at the time) licensed the MIPS R4200 CPU designs from MTI. They then created the derivative CPU the N64 used, the MIPS VR4300i.