Today’s game is No Man’s Sky again. I’m hooked on the Cursed Expedition they have. The creatures on the planet are gorgeous. I’m almost finished with the first tier of the Expedition, after staying up later than i should have to finish it. But its all worth it for the new pet you get with it.

Today’s screenshot is of a Huge Sky Jellyfish i got a picture of while on the cursed expedition. It was flying around the location i spawned in. After i got my ship fixed I flew my it past the Jellyfish and i was completely dwarfed by how large this thing is. It’s too bad i can’t tame it. i’d love to have one in my Companion Registry right next to Orbo.

Speaking of my companion registry i got a new creature that’s a glowing blue mass. It makes a buzzing and humming noise. I tamed one and it’s really cool. I wish there was a coral or something i could put my pets in around my base so they can wander around.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Well it’s likely, the expeditions make everyone go to the same spots and this one is particular is supposed to be done without hyperdrive, so everyone is going to visit the same 5 systems and their planets.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        Ahhhh I haven’t played in years and I had just started a new game lol

        Said heyyyy that looks familiar!

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          I’ve been playing mostly expeditions for a while (on PS4, occasionally VR : on a non-pro PS4, this is rough). I am getting a PC VR headset soon so I am waiting for that to double dip and make a clean save again.

          Good thing is there are ways to unlock past expedition rewards on PC. I’d have no way to transfer them otherwise. They need to stop this limited time FOMO bullshit. I understand why the old expeditions themselves can’t be maintained but there should be ways to get the unlockable stuff.

  • @ouch
    44 months ago

    Is No Man’s Sky still “a mile wide and an inch deep”? What are the basic gameplay loops?

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      24 months ago

      I would say at this point it’s much better. the recent updates have helped to mitigate the issue of planets looking the same a ton. For the gameplay loop, At least for me, is very similar too launch (Go to new planet, do your preferred task to earn money. For me i use my freighter and my crew too collect goods and trade them in different systems and i also Archive animals and flora. And then I move to another system).

      But they have also added more to do in that cycle too. For example, I typically break up the gameplay loop by returning to my base i built and tending to the NPCs that live there and also to use the facilities i constructed. I also manage a fleet from my freighter to send them on missions. On top of that there is the Anomaly which now has a ton of community things to do. There’s also different factions to join and get your rank up with.

      It’s definitely improved a ton, i would say with it’s nature though it may not be for everyone

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      14 months ago

      No man’s sky does an amazing job of looking pretty like this. I think i’d actively have to try to make a screenshot of the game look bad

  • Rolivers
    24 months ago

    Oh so that’s where they went after Kratos released them.

    • @SquigglyEmpire
      14 months ago

      I immediately thought it was that scene when I saw the screenshot, such a bittersweet moment.

  • The Hobbyist
    24 months ago

    How’s the game nowadays? I think I recall the game having some issues when it came out, assuming it’s true, are they all now resolved?

    • DremorM
      74 months ago

      The release wasn’t that bad, just massively overhyped by the publisher.

      But now it is a game that deserves such hype. It has massive content, while often being around $25. At that price, it’s a steal.

      • The Hobbyist
        24 months ago

        Thanks! That’s what I wanted to know, I’ve been eyeing the game and interested in getting it. I think I’ve even seen it on gog, so that’s great!

        • DremorM
          34 months ago

          I own it on both Gog and Steam (both paid half price). One of the games I don’t regret paying twice for.