• Dharma Curious (he/him)
      1 day ago

      Reminds me of a Buddhist parable, but I’m driving so I’ll post it in a bit. Lol.

      Found it. Not exactly the version I remember. Iirc, the one I heard was from Vivekananda, but same general story. Here ya go

      [ Monk was walking alongside a stream when he saw a Scorpion struggling in the water. Knowing that scorpions cannot swim, he quickly plunged into the water to rescue it.

      Carefully, he picked the Scorpion up with his fingers and walked to the bank. Just when he was about to set the Scorpion down, it turned and stung his hand. The Monk being in pain drew his hand back and as a result the Scorpion was flung back into the stream.

      When the Monk realized what happened, he went back into the water and picked up the Scorpion once again. But just as the Monk was about to set the Scorpion down, he was again stung on the hand by it. This scene repeated several times until the Monk finally saved the Scorpion.

      A little boy was playing by the stream when he witnessed this whole incident. Being confused, he asked the Monk, “Excuse me. Why do you keep trying to save that Scorpion? It stings you every time you try to rescue it.”

      The Monk replied, “Dear boy, just as it is the water’s nature to make me wet, so it is the nature of the Scorpion to sting. And just as it is the Scorpion’s nature to sting, it is my nature to save.”


  • @mEEGal
    111 day ago

    Better Nate than lever

  • @Katana314
    201 day ago

    I’ve misunderstood you, COBRA. I thought you were a handout given to the poor, but when I had a gap in my health insurance you helped me get my medications. /s

  • Karyoplasma
    71 day ago

    Cobra was right. As a poikilothermic critter, a sweater is utterly useless to it.

    • VindictiveJudge
      151 day ago

      Ah, but you forget, the sweater makes them look hella cute. Just think of all the dates they will score!

  • @spamfajitas
    21 day ago

    Nice, another comic with its own rss feed I can add to my list. Thanks!

  • IndiBrony
    11 day ago

    I’ve misundersoof you, COBRA. I thought you were hereos of communism, but when you stole my Legacy I realised you were nothing but capitalist American pigs.