A stone worker in hospital with terminal silicosis says he developed the disease after inhaling dust while cutting engineered stone kitchen worktops in unsafe working conditions.

Marek Marzec, a 48-year-old father of three originally from Poland but living in London, has worked for several engineered stone producers in north London and Hertfordshire since 2012. He was diagnosed with silicosis in April this year. Since then, his condition has rapidly deteriorated and he has been told by doctors he has only weeks to live.

  • @SirSamuel
    154 months ago

    I worked concrete construction for about a decade, and was living in NYC on 911. I figure complications from asbestos and silica exposure will take me out in my late 60’s/early 70’s before congestive heart failure gets me in my 80’s (like most of the men in my family).

    I started working for a larger company in NYC and they had safety classes for new workers that included silica education. I had no idea before then, but always wore an N95 afterward when working with Portland or doing concrete demo. But I still had years of exposure from my youth. We were completely unaware of the dangers

    Companies have known the risks of silica exposure for years. Many have blood on their hands.

    • SonyOPM
      44 months ago

      Exactly and a point many cannot seem to understand, most occupational diseases are as a whole, caused simply by ignorance : The time to change this corporate ‘for profit over all’ ideology has well past. You take care sir and try not to worry . As with your elders, I am quite sure the heart failure will get you first ! Live long and prosper dude

      • @SirSamuel
        24 months ago

        ♥️tx my dude, i don’t worry too much, I’m just pragmatic about my future prospects

        Here we are, and it is now

    • Bizzle
      34 months ago

      Mesothelioma sucks dude, I’m really sorry about your dad. Nobody deserves that shit.

      • @Beldarofremulak
        24 months ago

        My dad recently died of COPD. He did smoke unfiltered lucky strikes from 18 until smoking hurt too much at 75. It’s a wild ride watching someone suffocate while taking full deep breaths. He said the attacks felt like drowning. Would not recommend smoking.

  • @Dasus
    34 months ago

    Isn’t a lung transfer still possible…?

    I’m hoping it is and he gets one, and the employers get punished.