If the mods password is set. Editing place holder text in any rooms will results in that particular room cannot scroll back to previous history. That button will disappear. It might be resolved spontaneously by time, or changing the mods password, or reverse the placeholder text.
here is a screen cap of the issue happening on one of my gens. i may be wrong but i believe the issue has to do with having more than one person as a admin on the chat. im just guessing that though im not very good with code so im sorry if this unhelpful
yeah that’s what happened
No, I don’t believe that’s the cause. How could Perchance know who is whom?
Hello 👋
Hi, sorry, I’m not able to reproduce this issue. Can you please make a minimal example that shows the issue? You can e.g. create a remix of this generator: https://perchance.org/comments-plugin-admin-example#edit and make minimal changes which cause the issue to occur.
@perchance Is this how I tag the dev?
Mention the server like this: @perchance @lemmy.world (remove the spaces in-between so it would be an actual ping).
It’s likely the bug happened only in “tabbed” comment? and I’m sure not the only one, because there are multiple feedback under the comment plugin.
Here’s another “blank” gen waiting for cramp the comment until “load more” shows up. I hope this is “clean and blank” enough because I don’t know how to build a tabbed comment from scratch https://perchance.org/tabbed-comment-load-more-debug