Donald Trump is on track to be president! Now do I get paid in rubles now, or do I just die in the Night of Long Knives 2: Electric Boogaloo?

  • @niktemadur
    114 months ago

    Fascism wins the election! Score another triumphant victory for the green party and stein’s status a true peoples’ champion!

    If there’s a russian hell and a republican hell, I’m sure stein will rot in both.

  • @ZILtoid1991
    54 months ago

    It’s called “Night of Long Knives 2: Maralago Massacre”!

    Also the subtitle of Kristalnacht 2 is “People are entitled to their little schandenfreude, even if it means beating up minorities while calling them slurs”.

  • @formergijoeOP
    24 months ago

    I’m going to apologize to the down voters for that “on track” but. Donald Trump won the election! We did it Jill Stein Campaign! Long live lord Putin!