• @Rottcodd
    294 months ago

    By “peace” what they actually mean is “submission.”

    Russia’s already getting a return on their investment.

  • @Carrolade
    174 months ago

    “And if that is your priority of getting Crimea back and having American soldiers fight to get Crimea back, you’re on your own.”

    You don’t need that propaganda line anymore, you already won. Or did you actually start to believe it?

  • @Jumi
    164 months ago

    Roosevelt in 1940 says Allies focus must be peace and not retaking territory…

    Oh no, wait, he didn’t…

  • @Kaavi
    134 months ago

    Europe needs to give a minimum of 0,5% of GDP until Ukraine has won. If USA stops the support, Europe must stop all aid that include American weapons and only donate European weapons - Europe first.

    • @[email protected]
      94 months ago

      Yep. NATO countries need to shift to a partial wartime stance and shovel ammo to Ukraine and build their own stockpile.

      War is coming.

    • @Buffalox
      4 months ago

      Why so low? in the 70’s we (Denmark) had a 4% budget for foreign aid! Later reduced to 2%, but we can do more if we want.
      If we were actually directly at war with Russia, we would likely spend 25% maybe more on it.
      Surely Europe can give more than 0.5% to stop Russia terrorizing Europe.
      Clearly Europe and allies need to step up the game, now that we can’t expect more help from USA efter January.
      We also need to do more against Hungary and Slovakia for being traitors to EU. That should not be allowed to go unpunished.

      Ukraine is entitled both legally and morally to have their land back including Crimea.
      Trumps advisor is talking like a Russian puppet.

  • @[email protected]
    54 months ago

    A French General complained about the presence of American troops at an exercise, and said “I wish these Americans would leave.” The American General overheard him, and asked “Should we also take the men in the graves who died invading Normandy?” The French General, surprised, turned, and he said, “Yes, when your president has you turn and run, try not to forget them when you pack.”