And yes, this is the halloween edition. They just had that on their site when I wanted to buy the flashlight, so I thought why not. I think it looks pretty funny. It was technically delivered on halloween as well, but I wasn’t at home at the time. That’s why I only have it since last saturday. Anyway, it’s a pretty nice flashlight, really bright for the size:

It just feels so nice to use and gives you the impression that you have something high quality in your hand.

Also thanks to y’all for making posts in this sub. Looking aroung this community let me to get this flashlight. It’s nice to have a community with people who find flashlights interesting and make good recommendations.

  • @halendos
    154 months ago

    Thats some sleek skin! I have the standard black one for over 2 years, it still works great and I only ever used the provided battery.

    • timo_timbooOP
      84 months ago

      Nice to hear that yours still works after 2 years. This thing feels really nice, I hope it will last for decades to come. The battery should indeed never be an issue.

    • @SammysHP
      14 months ago

      I have the standard black one for over 2 years

      That’s the old FC11 with FET driver, not the new FC11C with higher efficiency buck driver, that was released in June.

  • Alabaster_Mango
    84 months ago

    Hey, that’s pretty neat! I like the color and design of the thing. Looks pretty easy to throw in a pocket too.

    • timo_timbooOP
      4 months ago

      Yeah it looks pretty nice. More or less at least. I would have gone with the green version, but I just couldn’t pass this one up. Just look at it!

      It is also rather small, yes. Really a great light for my next adventures.

  • @Winged_Hussar
    44 months ago

    Welcome to the club!

    Hadn’t seen the Halloween ones, that’s neat

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    You can get the FC11 (clone) for about $10 (about 10€) with a battery - I have a few just as backup lights around the house.

    I did buy the better batteries for ones in my 72-hr bag (I live in an area that gets sudden, severe weather emergencies).

    It’s been great to have a light that can run continuously for days (lowest output is a few lumen, great for power outages)

    • timo_timbooOP
      4 months ago

      Just 10$? That sounds almost too good to be true. Are they of the same quality?

      What do you mean with better batteries? Just ones that are of higher quality than the supplied one?

      A light like this does seem useful for power outages and the likes. I don’t have a backup bag or anything, but now that you’re talking about it, I probably should. Maybe not for 72h, but something smaller can’t hurt. I guess I’ll start looking for some other equipment that could be of use.

      And yes, the lowest setting is really good. According to the manual, it can last for almost 21 days. And it’s definitely useable at that brightness, too.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        Yea, the battery I get in the clone for $10 is unknown. I mean the whole thing is $10, lol.

        Everyone should have a 72 Hour bag. It’s a Red Cross idea - never know when you’ll have an emergency: house fire, flood from a waterline breaking, etc. This year I used my 72 Hour bag for hospital visits: family member got sick, friend had a baby sooner than expected, etc. I use an old backpack. It has a flashlight, phone chargers, cables, external batteries, etc, in addition to what the Red Cross recommends.

        I don’t follow everything the Red Cross recommends, that’s a starting point. For example I keep water in the car, and carry a metal water bottle anyway. My starting point is “what would I need for 3 days if I had to leave the house because a water main flooded it?” Fairly mundane.

    • @SammysHP
      14 months ago

      You can get the FC11 (clone) for about $10 (about 10€) with a battery

      The FC11 is not a clone, it is the predecessor of the FC11C with a less efficient driver. The FC11C is worth the upgrade, if you want longer and better regulated runtime.

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        I was saying you can get a clone of the FC11 with a battery for about $10.

        Sorry that wasn’t clear.

        • @SammysHP
          24 months ago

          What’s the “clone of the FC11” you’re talking about? Do you have a link?

  • @ninjabard
    24 months ago

    Wurkkos is having a pretty good sale at the moment. I picked up the same model for less than $20 USD. It will also be my first quality flashlight.

    • timo_timbooOP
      24 months ago

      Oh I just saw that sale, that’s pretty cheap. Have fun with your light as well!