In the words of C3PO, “I have decided that we shall stay here.”

  • aramis87
    284 months ago

    But that doesn’t mean you’re allowed to close the door! You know that, right?

  • @[email protected]
    134 months ago

    Cats just want to know. They’ll whine about anything until you show them whatever it is they’re curious about.

    Windows closed? Cry until it’s open and they feel the freezing wind.
    You have food!? Begging to no interest in 0.2 seconds when you let them sniff it.

    Dogs on the other hand… oof

    • FuglyDuck
      104 months ago

      hey! dogs want to know too.

      They’re just a lot slower, so it takes them longer to figure it out.

  • @riodoro1
    64 months ago

    My cat got absolutely mad about the outside recently. He nagged me everyday for a walk, but somehow now he only goes sometimes and the walks don’t even last 5 minutes. I don’t think he enjoys 2℃ as much as he did 15.

    • @LauchsOP
      14 months ago

      Yeah, mine’s pretty old and sick but I’m really hoping she makes it through to the summer in large part so she can doze in the warm with the sun on her face at least a few more times before her time’s up. (Well, that and I’m selfish and I’ll miss the hell out of her.)