Has anyone had a lumbar puncture that can tell me their experience?

The procedure itself was fine and I had a slight headache after and this morning but mother of god save me my lower back, tailbone, and hip are in so much pain. I don’t cry from pain but I’m on the verge of it. Since this morning I’ve been laughing from the pain it’s so bad that’s the only reaction I can do. I’m laying down now but I’m still hurting so bad. Like I honestly cannot understand how or why I am in this much pain. The doctors didn’t even tell me about hip pain or that lower back pain would be bad. My hydros aren’t even covering the pain. They help but not enough. Granted I don’t want to go over my daily dose. Has anyone had a lumbar puncture and can tell me if they had really bad pain? My headache is gone but my lower back, tailbone, and hip pain is so insane. Like this has to be what it feels like to give birth (I’m a male). It feels like my hip bones are going to snap or something. I am miserable. Also getting cramps and spasms everywhere. My body is not happy

They better find the reason for my chronic pain from this procedure or I’m gonna be pissed I’m going through this

  • happilybitchycowboy
    2 years ago

    Never had one myself, but I’ve broke my back in 2 places, broke my tailbone, and my hips are worn out. I get cortisone shots every couple months and they really help for a long time.

    • SpezCanLigmaBallsOPM
      2 years ago

      Cortisone is similar to prednisone right? I’ve had a prednisone shot in the ER that made my whole body pain so much better and then also went on a round of prednisone pills after. Lasted for about a month and a half then stuff gradually came back over a few weeks. actually just messaged my doc if I can get put on another of them yesterday. Prednisone is amazing. It helps my actual chronic pain issues but idk about this

      • happilybitchycowboy
        2 years ago

        Prednisone is a synthetic, anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid that derives from cortisone. It is an FDA-approved, delayed-release corticosteroid indicated to treat a broad range of diseases, including immunosuppressive/endocrine, rheumatic, collagen, dermatologic, allergic states, ophthalmic, respiratory, hematologic, neoplastic, edematous, gastrointestinal, acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis, and as an anti-inflammatory and antineoplastic agent.0 Prednisone is biologically inert and must be metabolized by the liver into its active form, prednisolone, to cross the cellular membrane. It is available in 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, and 50 mg oral tablets.2 Prednisone is four to five times more potent than hydrocortisone and has a longer duration of action, perhaps 12 hours or more.1 It works on the immune system to help relieve swelling, redness, itching, and allergic reactions.

        • SpezCanLigmaBallsOPM
          2 years ago

          I went to the patient portal and found this is exactly what they gave me

          methylPREDNISolone sodium succinate (PF) (Solu-MEDROL) injection 125 mg

          Then I got pills after from my PCP. With your cortisone shots every few months they keep the pain down? Prednisone is honestly my religion currently. It was like no other the next week after that injection and how I felt, I love it and want to be back on it but they want to figure out what’s going on first ): My neurologist and I did talk about getting in a round of it so hopefully now that I got the tap he will give me one

          • happilybitchycowboy
            2 years ago

            They do help, but only for so long, like a month maybe. From what I read there, Prednisone is better, so try that. I had my face crushed and neck broke in a motorcycle crash and have 42 pieces of stainless my face now, thanks to a drunk driver. My doctor prescribed me gabapentin, which was invented by the Japanese and I get 3 a day and they really help. They’re a nerve blocker. Some days, I only use one, just so I can keep my stash growing for the really bad days.

            • SpezCanLigmaBallsOPM
              2 years ago

              I was on gabapentin for 8 months and then went to Lyrica. I take it 3 days also. I kept picking up my gabapentin so I have 3 months worth of it just in my apartment. I’m sorry to hear that, that sounds incredibly painful.

              What was the recovery like from that if you don’t mind me asking?

              • happilybitchycowboy
                2 years ago

                I had my jaw wired shut for about 6 months. Fortunately, I lost a few teeth and can fit a straw in the hole, so I put Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner in a blender that year and sucked it down. It’s been about 8 years now and I’ve gotten better and went back to work, but there’s still pain and my jaw is crooked. I went right back to riding motorcycles, but I’m a lot more careful around parking lot exits.

  • WoolyNelson
    2 years ago

    While I never suffered back pain from it, mine leaked spinal fluid to the point I had crippling migraines if I sat up. This was fixed with a “blood patch”, but I cannot recommend anything about it.

    I hope they figure it out for you.

    • SpezCanLigmaBallsOPM
      2 years ago

      I called and left them a message just in case I’m not supposed to be feeling like this