Does it? What about you, guys? Sitting, standing, or why even bother getting out of bed? Do you care to stop your truck before pee to the bottle? Does your boss let you walk away from the cash desk?
Its just cleaner to sit, thats it, I am lazy to clean the bathroom every two days
Peeing while standing I do only at urinals. At home I sit. Of course I would also pee while standing, but the additional cleaning need is just not worth it.
I guess I spent too many years on boats - I always sit! You never know when a big wave is going to mess up your aim if you’re standing (of course, in the shower that doesn’t matter, does it?!). Now that I am old, I sit with good back posture - no elbows-on-knees. The prostate seems to prefer I’m upright. Well, you asked!
Even if you think you have the perfect aim, the ceramic can betray you and hit you in the knees with a recoil. Sittin is safer.
I’d love to stand, but she-pees don’t seem worth the effort
started sitting after i had daughters and a wife and got tired of cleaning up the seat
Peeing in the sink is not represented here…
I owe standing up. Also in the shower.
Sitting is just so comfortable, and when you’re pushing 50 I feel you get more done. Also, doing the whole night pee is just a better experience sitting down. I do occasionally stand, but mostly when I am out on my forest walks.
Diaper gang in da house!