
The US’s approval for Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles, capable of striking targets nearly 200 miles away, marks a significant escalation in Ukraine’s ability to retaliate against Russian aggression.

The move, coming after intense lobbying by Kyiv, allows Ukraine to target Russian positions with more precision and destruction than prior weapons.

Russia has condemned the decision as a provocation risking world war.

Analysts suggest the policy shift, reportedly limited to Russia’s Kursk region, aligns with U.S. efforts to support Ukraine without triggering broader conflict.

  • @[email protected]
    1494 months ago

    The commencement of whining about how the victim defending themselves is horribly unfair, unreasonable, and must be stopped at all costs, is always a feature of bullying. I don’t know why, but it is.

    • DrSleepless
      344 months ago

      He never pulls out. Ask Trump.

      • @Paddzr
        114 months ago

        He’s still pushing that limb rope…

  • @Hobbes_Dent
    4 months ago

    Russia brought another country in to fight. Full stop. Theatrics.

    And I think it’s likely. And it’s their fault.

    Edit: We lose too, btw. Head in the clouds, cocks in our hands, and then everyone is going to wonder why the power went out and the taps went dry on day one.

    I swear half the US wants it because they think they’ll wipe the floor gg and go back to drinking.

    • @[email protected]
      504 months ago

      For any of this to lead to “world war” one of two things has to happen:

      1. The US directly enters the war on the side of Ukraine - If this didn’t happen at any point in the last two years, it’s not suddenly going to happen now. And it’s not more likely to happen because the US “provokes” Russia, so it’s irrelevant anyway.

      2. Russia directly attacks a NATO country - Why would Russia ever do this? They can’t even defeat a NATO aligned independent nation. How the fuck would they ever have a hope in hell of defeating all of NATO? In what possible way would they benefit from escalating the war?

      Russia claiming that American “provocations” will lead to world war is meaningless because the reality is that for them to be “provoked” into starting a war they would have to be provoked into voluntarily deleting their entire country.

      No matter how badly this hypothetical world war 3 goes for anyone else, even if - no, especially if - it becomes a total nuclear war, the one guarantee is that Russia loses. And they lose hard. Putin’s best case scenario here is great he Hitler’s himself in a bunker in a few years and that’s if he’s lucky.

      So unless Putin and every single person in his orbit have joined a suicide cult and are already cooking up a big old bowl of spicy Kool-Aid, there is no reason whatsoever to take these claims seriously.

      • @A_Filthy_Weeaboo
        4 months ago

        Serious question:

        What about China and Xi Jinping? North Korea has already thrown they’re very flimsy and small hat into the ring…barely, but they did send troops.

        • @[email protected]
          134 months ago

          What about them? Suppose China sends 100,000 troops to Ukraine? How does that expand the conflict in any way?

          This is the problem with people just buying this Russian line about America “escalating” the conflict. Increasing the scale or intensity of the conflict in Ukraine has zero bearing on its scope. China entering the war doesn’t force America, or any other NATO country, to suddenly become involved.

          It doesn’t matter if China sends a million troops. Ten million. At the end of the day the conflict is still between Ukraine, Russia, and Russia’s co-beligerants. Even if Ukraine somehow ended up invading China, this still doesn’t directly involvre NATO in the war.

          The only thing that can possibly involve NATO is either NATO choosing to get directly involved, or some opposing party directly attacking NATO. And none of those opposing parties have anything to gain by attacking NATO. So why would they?

            • @[email protected]
              24 months ago

              Sorry if I seem like I’m getting a little bent out of shape about this stuff. It frustrates me because Russian propaganda in this area has been far, far more successful than it has any right to be. It’s extremely easy to see through once you sit back and examine the basic mechanics of the situation, but I understand that that’s difficult to do when being faced with something as terrifying as the threat of a global conflict.

  • themeatbridge
    594 months ago

    In less than two months, Putin will control the US military.

    • cobysev
      294 months ago

      I’m so glad I just retired from the US military. I’d hate to be serving while that dictator asshole comes back. I was still serving the first time he took office and it was bad times for us. We were able to push back on his more extreme demands of the military, but we don’t have a Democrat-controlled govt to keep him in check this time around.

      • @_stranger_
        4 months ago

        More importantly, we don’t have any morally upstanding senators with the balls to hold the fucking Republicans in line. Even McCain had to find out he was dying of brain cancer before he stood against the machine to defend the right to healthcare.

        Please correct me if I’m wrong, but there aren’t any Republicans left that will do that.

          • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
            14 months ago

            You mean John Curtis, the guy who’s taking Mittens’ seat? I have my doubts.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          They would need 4, but Murkowski, Collins is 2. There is plenty of money to bribe republicans to favour Pharma, or agriculture sustainability (deportations), though I’m not sure if congress can “stop” a declaration of national emergency martial law.

    • @_stranger_
      64 months ago

      Gotta use up all the good missiles before then.

    • @dhork
      284 months ago

      I’m kind of hopeful, actually, that the fact that they are publically whining so much about escalating to a world war is an indication that they don’t have the means to do so, short of going Nuclear, and I think even Putin realizes how that will end up.

      I mean, he is already bringing in foreign fighters. isn’t that a concession that Russian fighters can’t do the job in Ukraine themselves? If they had the means to escalate while still fighting in Ukraine, they wouldn’t whine about it, they would just do it.

      • DominusOfMegadeus
        204 months ago

        What’s extra sickening to me, is that this cat has no trouble operating under the assumption that his own life, and power, and glory, are worth these unending untold thousands of other lives, when in actuality his life is worth less than any one of these soldiers’.

      • @[email protected]
        54 months ago

        I’m not even sure they can go nuclear. Nukes are expensive to maintain, and Putin buddies have been embezzling that money for a long time.

  • AItoothbrush
    404 months ago

    In other words russias invasion of ukraine could cause a world war. Its not the ukrainians who decided to fuck around with russians.

      • skulblaka
        43 months ago

        Ah yes, tell us more about how Russia’s sudden invasion and annexization of Crimea following Euromaidan was the fault of US backed Ukrainians.

        Best case, you’re going to blame this on the fact that native Ukrainians staged a revolution to remove their corrupt president that was trying to buddy up with the sovereign that has been abusing and betraying them since 1941. To which I say, good for them. The annexation of Crimea came during the power vacuum following that when Putin saw that his good buddy sycophant Yanukovych had been removed by a hostile electorate. Putin saw his slaves trying to make a break for freedom and decided to bring his fist down on it.

        • @[email protected]
          03 months ago

          Any suggestion that Crimea doesn’t prefer being in Russian Federation compared to under nazi rule committed to destroying them is delusional propaganda. Crimea was transferred to Ukraine in late 1950s. No one there had to bother learning Ukrainian language and little Ukrainian emigration occurred there.

  • Tiefling IRL
    404 months ago

    Russia could easily avoid a world war by pulling out of Ukraine and paying them to rebuild

  • socsa
    4 months ago

    World War against who? You have nukes and a bunch of conventional forces which can’t even beat Ukraine. If you have a suicide wish then fucking get it over with already and stop jerking us around

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      To be fair to them, there’s not a ton of militaries that could beat Ukraine. They’re pretty cracked. Gotta give them that, they’re some of the best fighters we’ve seen in a very long time.

      Except when it comes to retreating effectively. They suck at that part.

  • @hperrin
    314 months ago

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could lead to world war.

  • @Shanedino
    214 months ago

    Hur dur us invading a country unprovoked isn’t to blame.

  • @FelixCress
    164 months ago

    Newsflash: there is already a war. A one Russia can end tomorrow if they fuck off back into their borders.

  • @buddascrayon
    134 months ago

    Make no mistake, we were headed there anyway.

    Sadly with great orange Hitler in charge we’re probably going to be the axis powers this time along with Putin and Winnie the Pooh and the rest of the world doesn’t stand a chance because we have all the bombs.

    • @MisterLister
      134 months ago

      I doubt the US is going to play an active role in that new Axis, no matter how much taintlicking Trump does… I think it’s more likely we are simply declawed mostly due to a sudden internal focus shift (attempting to reroute the military to purge “illegals” and whatever other civil strife ensues as a result), leading to an effective breakdown of global presence and influence.

      Once Trump takes office, the US is pretty much guaranteed to no longer be a global superpower. Maybe not overnight, but the damage done will take generations to fix and that’s probably the real goal here… not to make the US join hands with them, but to entirely neutralize us as a potential threat or obstacle. We might still have all the bombs, but what use are they when our incoming government is more likely to use them on our own cities or be paralyzed with infighting about maybe not using them on our own cities?

      • @buddascrayon
        64 months ago

        Counterpoint: the military attack on illegals is a first step. An attempt to put the blame for all of our country’s ills onto a specific class or ethnicity. This is exactly what Hitler did with the Jews. The next step would be to make a play to convince the populace that annexing another country would be an effective solution to cure the problems of the nation.

        The fat orange fuck has literally bragged about reading Mein Kampf. He’s reading from Hitler’s playbook and using it as an instruction manual.

    • @[email protected]
      44 months ago

      That Putin has threatened to end the world? It’s in the 20’s at least, but I lost count a while ago.

      Part of me wishes he’d go ahead and pull the pin. Dealing with the consequences would probably distract Trump and his cronies for his entire term and would reduce the head count of his supporters, giving the sane folks in the US a chance to regroup.

  • @Carrolade
    124 months ago

    Uh huh. Sure thing boss.