I’m a SMART Recovery Facilitator. We support informed choice. SMART provides tools, and you do you. I’m personally abstinence focused. Am I welcome here, or should I GTFO?
What I mean is: Is Stop drinking is a 12 step only sub, or is it a Stop drinking sub
Anyone who has a desire to stop drinking is welcome here, regardless of how you approach it, we’re all in the fight together.
I personally welcome alternative options to 12 step. IMHO, there’s multiple paths to recovery and having options is a good thing.
SMART doesn’t postulate itself as an alternative, but rather as a toolbox approach that helps people. We don’t feel that we are THE way, but something that helps. Multiple paths to recovery is literally in the SMART mission. I call it the “paint rocks green” concept. If painting rocks green helps you achieve your goals, we’ll support you and cheer you on. A lot of people in SMART do 12 step, Dharma, or whatever and SMART. If it helps you we are with you.
Nice. I was active in a forum that was “AA is the only way” and it made me sad. Thanks for having me.
AA isn’t for everyone in my opinion. I’m happy to see SMART represented here.
We are not 12 step. Just here to help out each other. We all have good days and bad, and if we fuck up, we are here with open arms to help Pick you up again. ❤️
If you want to make a basic post about SMART, add links tools etc, I’m happy to pin it to the group for a bit.
Lol “12 step” nah man you’re good.
If anyone wants more info, feel free to ask. Tons of online/in person meetings, free resources and stuff. Also, there is a 24/7 recovery Discord server (not SMART exclusive, but with a lot of SMART activity, non-official, ) with a ton of nice people, which also has 12 step rooms, if that’s your thing.
welcome and thanks for the resources could i please get a link to the discord?
There you go.