1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Points? Dearest?
Gotta commit arson insurance fraud after the car insurance fraud failed?
I suspect S9E16, “Dumbbell Indemnity.”
Moe finally finds a girlfriend, a woman named Renee, and runs up a bunch of debt paying for everything under the sun trying to impress her. Eventually his options run out and he talks Homer into “stealing” his car and parking it the railroad tracks to get it destroyed for the insurance payout. Homer being Homer, he manages to botch this (including a memorable scene of him bailing out of the car as it rolls down a cliff, only to get redirected right back into the driver’s seat via a suspiciously conveniently shaped rock) and gets caught.
The obligatory heartfelt apology scene where Moe confesses this at the end is subverted when he starts scheming to burn down his bar and fake his and Renee’s deaths using corpses dug up from the graveyard, and use the insurance money to bail Homer out of jail.
In the .gif is this closing exchange, as Renee finally walks out on him:
Moe: Where you going, baby? You going to find the corpses?
Renee: Yes, Moe, I’m going to find corpses.
Moe: Uh, well, you want me to come with? Renee? Dearest?
Moe never got that trip to Hawaii.
I feel like you’re trying to trick me with that difficulty rating…
No trick, just an episode I think people forget.
Where ya goin, baby, to find some corpses?
Do I want to know what the secret ingredient is?
Not cough syrup?
Not this episode. Brandy fires is the secret.