What benefits?
Not news. Just stating the current policy that has always been in place.
You guys have benefits?
For trainers and joggers. Yes.
Always been the case.
Why are the Labour Party still campaigning for the votes of the Daily Mail and true-blue Tories?
Stuff like this is a vote winner according to the feedback they get in focus groups.
Well, yeah.
If you can’t work, fine. If you won’t work, that’s different.
Why? Why should we all have to work just to survive? Productivity is so immensely high with computers and machines that work is not a requirement for life or society like it once was. A smaller percentage of the population can work than before for the same overall output.
Work should improve your life. You put something in, you get something out (pay). Now you can go and improve your life somehow by buying goods and/or services. But needing to work just for the bare basics of food and shelter is ridiculous in the modern age. We’re a rich country, we should be able to afford to feed and home our population with ease and yet constantly in political discourse there’s talk of benefits “scroungers” “stealing” money they “don’t deserve”, usually for pitifully small amounts of money as well.
Why? Why should we all have to work just to survive?
Do you happen to have rich parents?
Hahahaha most certainly not!
I’m not saying I don’t work, I’m saying it’s unnecessarily forced upon us for the enrichment of the capitalist class and not required to the extent that it is for society to function in the modern age.
A lot of business is just business for the sake of business. Pushing people to consume regardless of whether they want or need to, or not. If people truly wanted half the shit they buy the advertising and marketing industry wouldn’t be so big.
If you’re on benefits for whatever reason, health issues (mental or physical), bereavement, disenfranchised, whatever, our society is so rich that you should be able to eat and have somewhere warm to sleep at night without being forced to perform labour against your will.
To make matters worse, this is coming from the Labour party…
I’m not saying nobody should work. I’m not saying there’s no benefit to work. I’m saying it shouldn’t be forced upon us just to exist. That’s just slavery with extra steps.
Productivity is so immensely high with computers
Oh wait, you’re serious?
Why should we all have to work just to survive
where do you think your food comes from? Who build the room you sleep in?
with that being said, our labour is severely abused by the owner class as we barely get enough out of it to pay the bills.
Your debt to society is repaid very quickly while working a 40hr a week job
Every cost a regular person incurrs on society is paid back with roughly working 1/5th-1/4th of their life.
Instead we work until death and kids today will not be allowed to retire
Fuck you for being so easy to control
Fuck you for being so easy to control
Steady on chap. No need to start insulting people.
This idiot does not have much reading comprehension…
Lol no these idiots deserve to be chastised
We’ve coddled the idiots too long in the US and look where it’s brought us, I’m done personally coddling idiots and fascists* in idiocracy for the sake of politeness
You can chastise their ideas without insulting them. It makes you look like a crazy person. Do you want to change people’s minds or simply shout at them?
And if you can’t do that, well that’s rather sad.
Thanks for pointing out my spelling mistake like a pedant, I’m on mobile.
We tried coddling fascists and all it does is validate their garbage beleifs, we’re past trying to convince horrible people that they are horrible and are now at the stage where we have to protect ourselves and make sure the people who got us here never forget how they shit their own pants just to make us all smell it
If someone voted for Trump make sure they know how fucking dumb they are, and if they still whine wanting to be friends after voting to hurt you then tell them they were even dumber for thinking that was a possibility after taking actions to hurt you
read my body of work, champ ;)
You’re missing the forest for the trees. Read the first paragraph again
P.S. my food generally comes from my garden…
how did you acquire land to grow the said food?
Land is free, it literally costs nothing to let someone live on land. We make it unaffordable
Why are we extorted for the land we need to live on?
I know you were conditioned to think this way but it’s a malicious way to think
the strategy of the commons, me man…
good luck getting any land now unless you got that thing called das kapital.
Lol you sound like a slave who’s proud of licking boot
“Why can’t I just sit at home and do nothing and get taxpayers to fund my laziness?”
What a low-energy take 😂
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Yes, in the socialist utopia, money clouds would rain cash on us all and no one would have to contribute anything to society.
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Yes, they shouldn’t have to. Bad societies are created solely with punishments, good societies give back as much as they received from the individuals.
I’d say only scaredy cats can be controlled via punishment. Being homeless is both a punishment and a warning to others.
But Chatbots are supposed to be able to do all our work now (except for entrepreneurship which is absolutely not a combination of privilege and dumb luck). Make your mind up, Liz Kendall!
No Shit Sherlock
What the article means is disabled people who can’t work now have to work to stay alive
Good job lapping up propaganda like a good dog
No shit Sherlock
Waow ur so funy and smart