• Davel23
    25511 months ago

    Guy shoots down Elon’s brainless submarine rescue idea

    Musk: What a pedo guy!

    Guy posts actual CP to Twitter (sorry, I’m not gonna call it X)

    Musk: This is fine.

    • @joneskind
      6511 months ago

      sorry, I’m not gonna call it X

      I have mixed feelings about this one.

      Should I call it X because all that was cool about Twitter is now dead so it would make sense to stop giving that terrible social network any credit from the former one?

      Or should I continue to call it Twitter because I know it will infuriate Musk that no one recognise X as his own company?

      Or should I use a totally different name that everybody will understand, like say The dead bird, and kill two birds with one stone?

      • @Cabrio
        11 months ago

        Nah, Musk has been trying to co-opt the 24th letter of the alphabet for 30 years, he’s a wannabe Steve Jobs and he wants his own one letter legacy.

        The only thing the rebranding has done is make Twitter an X-platform (pun intended).

        • @joneskind
          11 months ago


          I had it in mind TBH

          But “bird site” doesn’t sound as bad as “dead bird”

      • @Saneless
        411 months ago

        Calling it Twitter is a reminder that the product/site used to be pretty interesting instead of a broken right wing child sex abuse platform

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        Do what Elon does with his kid. Dead name it to annoy Elon. Also shame on him for dead naming and misgendering his own child.

      • Gort
        211 months ago


      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        you wouldn’t really be killing 2 birds with 1 stone. You’d be beating a dead bird with the stone, though

    • @iforgotmyinstance
      4211 months ago

      Don’t forget Musk roleplays as a baby with multiple sub accounts.

      Dude is a creeeeeeeeeep

      • @jarfil
        811 months ago

        Roleplay?.. “Sub”-accounts?.. And here I thought he only was shitposting on main.

      • @Syrc
        811 months ago

        Wait, multiple? I “only” knew about Elon Test, there’s more?

    • Zeppo
      11 months ago

      Pretty sure it’s “wow, that was S3XY! We’ll leave your account open so you can send me some more”.

      • @joneskind
        411 months ago


        Actually, it could turn out pretty well for the dead bird so I won’t

  • @[email protected]
    20411 months ago

    While the media posted by the influencer has been removed, numerous text interactions with the deleted posts from his followers are still on the platform. Some of those posts mention a child depicted in the photos as young as one and a half years old.


    To make matters worse, the image appears to have been on the platform for several days before being removed. Lucre even described the image in detail in a separate tweet, noting that it had been taken from a video. The video in question involved the abuse of three children, one of whom was reportedly strangled to death after the filming.


    The CSAM material was left up for FOUR DAYS (July 22-26) before he was even suspended. Then they let him “delete” it…and reinstated him. People commented during those 4 days DESCRIBING THE IMAGES.

    What the FUCK please tell me this is worth a visit from the FBI, getting removed from the App Store, some massive GDPR violation, fucking something. How is this story not bigger news?

    To put this in perspective, 4 graphic CSAM images that an account with 500,000 followers posted were left up on Twitter for 4 days. The person who posted the images was suspended for less than a day.

    • fiat_lux
      9311 months ago

      Content warning: I deliberately avoid providing much more detail than “it was clearly CSAM” but I do mention the overall tweet contents and pretext.

      I remember this from when it happened and unfortunately did see the text portion and thumbnail from the original tweet.

      He did it under the pretext of reporting on the arrest of a person involved in the video and large-scale CSAM production. It started as a standard news-report-style where they list the name, age and arrest details of someone taken into custody. Initially it looked like the normal alt-right tweet about “look at how paedophilia is rampant and the world is sinful!”.

      The guy describes himself as “chief trumpster” and a “breaker of narratives” and journalist. He claimed the details of the CSAM were provided by the Dutch police. He then described the title and detailed events of a CSAM video in the tweet. Unfortunately for me, the detailed events were below the tweet fold, so I had no idea it was going there until I expanded it.

      The tweet image attachment or link unfurl thumb had a frame from the video itself. It was an otherwise-SFW image the adult abuser who was being talked about. Unfortunately I didn’t realise until after I had expanded the tweet text contents what the thumbnail was. I actually thought it was an opengraph error at first.

      Even in the context of “reporting shocking content” the tweet was way over the line and went from 0 to 100 in a few words. I did not need the info on the CSAM, nobody except the police and courts does. The video title alone was over the line.

      Musk phrasing this as another “I was told” decision is just him knowingly deferring responsibility.

        • fiat_lux
          2111 months ago

          Thanks, it was partly my fault for taking a curiosity tour of Twitter to see whether there was a noticeable right-wing shift from a few months earlier.

          Hopefully I can at least prevent someone from having to go try to find the context for themselves and finding the full tweet, because it was awful even as text.

          I assumed there would be “they took it out of context!” apologia when it was inevitably reported on, but the actual context didn’t improve anything or abdicate anyone from responsibility.

          My heart goes out to the human moderators at twitter who had to see more of it and didn’t have the choice to bail before learning more. And obviously also to the victims of one of the most heinous acts I’ve ever heard about.

      • @visak
        11 months ago

        Thank for this. Seeing this explained this whole thing makes much more sense. Not in a good way, but I now understand. Edit: fixed typo

        • fiat_lux
          711 months ago

          For what it’s worth, I had no idea if it was the absolute worst journalistic judgement I have ever seen, or a way for him to find more CSAM, or some bizarre combo. That is something for the FBI to find out. But I do know the decision to unban him is beyond wild, even for someone trying to bankrupt a social media company. Text almost never makes me physically recoil.

          • @visak
            211 months ago

            Yeah, even if we give them the benefit of the doubt that it was a bad attempt at journalism, there’s no reason to defend them. Also bizarre that Elon would even get involved in it.

          • KairuByte
            3511 months ago

            Unfortunately, it’s a term everyone should know. It “replaces” the label child porn, because while it’s universally known as horrible, it’s not “porn.” It’s evidence of child sexual abuse. Hence “child sexual abuse material.”

            • @Zozano
              1011 months ago

              Right. Porn implies acting and consent.

    • Umbra
      -3511 months ago

      Because it was one image and it wasn’t showing anything explicit. That’s how I understood it from reading more about this story.

  • ArugulaZ
    14611 months ago

    Remember all that nonsense the media was posting about Mastodon being a haven for illegal porn? Almost feels like a smear campaign to defame an up and coming X/Twitter competitor.

    • @Odusei
      7511 months ago

      Most online platforms are susceptible to hosting CSAM and Mastodon deserves to be scrutinized and investigated for it as much as the rest. The problem with a million decentralized instances is a million different people in charge of detecting and eliminating CSAM from their platforms, and it’s going to be a challenge as this platform grows.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Facebook has the most csam of any website, but I hardly ever see the same fear mongering from the media. Odd.

      • Final Remix
        711 months ago

        Facebook is ubiquitous now and is therefore beyond reproach. It exceeds the scope of everything.

        • b3nsn0w
          811 months ago

          likely because it’s not happening on twitter, as evidenced by the post

          • @[email protected]
            511 months ago

            Bingo. Meta, for it’s horribleness, at least makes an effort to be less horrible. Elon… Doubles down on the horrible.

      • @rustyfish
        8511 months ago

        Why isn’t any of this surprising?

          • @zabraven
            11 months ago

            So I looked into this some more, he apparently posted a screenshot from a really infamous child torture video called Daisy’s Destruction, it was a screenshot of the toddler actually being tortured on her foot. I had no idea this video even existed online, he claims that he got it/the screenshot from the Dutch Police. He also might have posted a naked picture of Daisy on Peter Scully’s lap. He also apparently posted it on Instagram where it is still up but I don’t want to check whether that’s true. That is insane wtf is wrong with him

              • @Alivrah
                2311 months ago

                I have morbid curiosity but I won’t be touching that. The short description alone is already too much.

            • @[email protected]
              1311 months ago

              My life is worse off for having read this comment. It’s needs a spolier alert or something. I’m just sick.

      • mrbubblesort
        6611 months ago

        Reinstated so that the FBI can investigate I hope …

        Reinstated because it’s a Republican account I suspect …

      • @Mojave
        511 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • @jarfil
          -1211 months ago

          In a place where a piece of text can incorporate, a drawing has human* rights.

          (*not applicable to actual humans)

          • @Mojave
            411 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • @jarfil
              11 months ago

              Your ignorance doesn’t excuse your language.

              Ask politely and you might learn which country meets what I said.

              • @Mojave
                111 months ago

                deleted by creator

      • Umbra
        -2211 months ago

        That’s not really the context. Need to see what that tweet (if it’s even real) is responding to.

    • codybrumfield
      11111 months ago

      QAnon people are posting photos of child sexual assaults “to raise awareness” because they’re too fucking stupid to realize that’s still insanely illegal and you don’t get to rob banks to raise awareness of bank robbers. (Or they’re just pedophiles trying to share images via a loophole that doesn’t exist.)

      One prominent conservative guy got flagged by Twitter and had his account suspended. Elon claims only a few employees saw the image but that turned out to be a lie. It was up for 4 days and had something like 8000+ RTs and 1.3 million views. Elon basically intervened and unsuspended the guy’s account.

      Also, if you’d like additional context, [insert photo of Musk with Gislaine Maxwell].

      • @rustyfish
        4211 months ago

        I know when pedophiles tried to normalise pedophilia on Twitter by associating themselves with the LGBT community or by coming up with that nomap bullshit. I would assume they are just that. Pedos.

        Also, it is widely known that pedos project like motherfuckers. That teenage billionaire sure threw those accusations around a lot.

        • @Eldritch
          1011 months ago

          Well to be fair his father is a well-known groomer and pedophile.

      • LemmyLefty
        1611 months ago

        QAnon people are posting photos of child sexual assaults “to raise awareness”

        Say sike right now.


      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        Or is it because they think they are being clever and think that they can get away with it as long as they are yelling loudly enough about how much it disgusts them.

    • @Haha
      -111 months ago


  • Archmage Azor
    5311 months ago

    Reminder: Musk himself has an alt account where he ERPs as a toddler

      • Aer
        1111 months ago

        I am scared to ask but at the same time I have a need to substantiate claims… So regretfully. Source?

        • SkaveRat
          1711 months ago

          If you search “elon musk roleplay son” you can find several screenshots and news sites reporting on it.

          Here’s one

          Note: while OP says “ERP”, it’s not really erotic (apart from wishing to go to night clubs). Still creepy as F

    • @CADmonkey
      1211 months ago

      I had to figure out what ERP meant in this context because I was just picturing some poor kid trying to use SAP.

  • @AdolfSchmitler
    4211 months ago

    “Why does nobody want to advertise on my site anymore?”

  • @[email protected]
    3911 months ago

    It’s like literally everything he’s done is to deliberately tank the company and lose billions of dollars.

    • Lightor
      2411 months ago

      Almost like it’s on purpose…

      • @MarshReaper
        1911 months ago

        Maybe after a few too wrong moves, he’s trying to tank the company and make people think he’s doing it on purpose so he could say that all this time he’s been doing it on purpose. On purpose on purpose.

        • b3nsn0w
          611 months ago

          or he’s actually just sabotaging one of the largest western social networks through weaponizing his gross incompetence

          • @MarshReaper
            311 months ago

            I believe that all of these major players are being controlled at almost gunpoint into destroying their platforms and making horrible business decisions (facebook, twitter, youtube, etc).

            • @[email protected]
              211 months ago

              They overextended in an era of easy money. Belts tighten and they still want to hit their growth targets, so they take away some sesame seeds.

              I think people are realizing they don’t really like the burger as much as they used to.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          “I’m so great, I can bankrupt a multibillion dollar company and lose tens of billions of dollars of my own money!”

          Weird flex, but ok

      • Archmage Azor
        811 months ago

        Don’t attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to ignorance

        • Lightor
          311 months ago

          True, but I don’t think one prohibits the other.

          I’d also add that a defense of ignorance becomes harder to attribute his moves to when he is surrounded by people who inform him. Choosing not to listen to them seems malicious.

  • @FluffyPotato
    3011 months ago

    At this point they could have but a giant brown bear in charge of twitter. Gave it free reigns to eat whoever it likes and twitter would still be more successful and have a less damaged brand. Like is Elon actively trying to run it into the ground?

    • chaogomu
      2611 months ago

      I don’t think he is. See, he’s lived his entire life in a world without consequences, and he’s never actually been a good businessman, and certainly never invented anything. But he’s built his own little brand around pretending he’s both and not a con man who was scamming carbon credits to boost the stock price of his flagship company.

      At some point, he started to believe his own branding. After all, he must be a good businessman if he’s the richest man in the world, right?

      As a note, Bernie Madoff had a net worth of almost $70 Billion at his peak. He was one of the richest men in the world.

    • @[email protected]
      1211 months ago

      Given the other typos, this might just be another, but in case it’s an error and you might want to use the phrase some other place where it matters:

      It’s “give it free rein” like a horse you’re letting choose its own path and pace, rather than a monarch who would “reign.”

      You could let a bear reign over all Musk’s properties with better results than he’s having, but it would be a different sentence.

      Both reign and rein can be nouns or verbs:

      The Fed is trying to “rein in” inflation.

      The “reign” of King Charles the Turd has barely begun.

      (Sorry, my inner schoolmarm slipping out.)

      • @Coreidan
        011 months ago

        You sound insufferable. You went on a multi paragraph rant to correct a strangers spelling on the internet. Wow.

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          I think you misread my tone. As I said at the start, “in case… you want to use the phrase some other place where it matters.” That kind of innocent error can impact one’s success when at work or in an essay.

    • akai
      611 months ago

      Yes, that’s exactly what he’s trying to do. The sooner he runs it into the ground, the less money he’s going to lose.


  • ultratiem
    11 months ago

    I think any smart run company left Twitter the moment Elon took over (in his own eclectic way carrying a kitchen sink).


    Just one, one drop in a sea of lunacy and megalomania. But that’s Elon. Now if this guy took over a company that directly impacted your profits, what would you do?

    The real sad thing is that even if he is the Yahoo to Tumblr, it won’t impact him one iota. He’ll still be rich as all creation and people will still fawn over him and listen to what he has to say.

  • @nitefox
    11 months ago

    I swear, I thought it was a joke until I actually saw his tweet on the platform

  • @xc2215x
    1211 months ago

    Terrible decision from Elon.

    • @HerrBeter
      1911 months ago

      At least he’s consistent