I’m getting repeated crashing in the newest release. I can’t get it to repeat every time intentionally, but it crashed a few times today.
When I go to delete a draft, the app just shuts down. This morning when I was posting some older drafts, I’d make the post, go to create a new post, open the draft menu option, and go to delete the draft I just posted.
I sorta replicated it just now on purpose. Is GI to create a post, hit some gibberish, back out to have it save, then create an post and try to delete it from drafts. I got it to crash once or twice, but not every time.
Usually I can get things to repeat every time, but I can’t get 100% repeatability on this one. I hope that’s enough to go on.
Yep. I have crash logs for this one so I know what’s going on. I will work on a fix soon tm.