• wanderingmagus
    211 year ago

    The written word. Just think about how much that has completely revolutionized communication all around the world. We can receive firsthand accounts of events from thousands of years in the past, on the other side of the world, from a civilization that hasn’t existed since the Pyramids. We can learn the sagas and myths of countless cultures around the world. There’s a good reason that the very act of writing itself was considered magical for eons. In many ways, it still is.

    • @positiveWHAT
      1 year ago

      On dhat note, dhe English language is kwite inkonsistent on letter pronunsiashion. I think it kould do widh a refresher on how letters work or just do a round of simplifikashion on sounds instead of being a Frankenstein fokusing on where the word kame from.

      • wanderingmagus
        81 year ago

        Ah, but see, the beauty of the English language is that 50% of the time we don’t actually care whether something is spelled properly unless it’s formal academic writing or something official. We can make do with whatever, and guesstimate our way through almost anything!

          • @emptyother
            31 year ago

            Yeah, it IS cool! Even cooler is learning how language and words has evolved over time. A word you thought you knew might have had completely different meaning a few years or a century ago, and often gives a hint about the culture back then. If I redid my life, I would love to have become a language researcher.

    • @emptyother
      51 year ago

      The written word is well and good, but writing and reading didn’t become common among everyone until some figured out how to mass-produce writings. The modern world, easy access to education, and many battles for equality and freedom, they couldn’t have happened without printed books. We can learn about the sagas and myths of countless cultures around the world without being a noble or a monk or a scribe, and without knowing the original language. So… Books. The magic in writing became so much more powerful with books.

      • Nioxic
        21 year ago

        Youd still need writing invented first

  • @[email protected]
    201 year ago

    i actually think plumbing is the thing we’d miss most if it suddenly vanished - collecting water and getting rid of human waste would be horrible chores. Also it’s always so nice being able to turn a tap and drink fresh clean water,

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    Raspberry Pi.

    I love how such a small computer can overpower many of the computers I had for much of my life. And still overpowers moat of the old computers people still has today in my country.

    • @flubba86
      51 year ago

      Unfortunately, for a $35 computer, they sure are expensive.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        the shortage seems to be over, they’ve increased production and secured chip supply so you should be able to find them at RRP again.

        • @flubba86
          11 year ago

          They’re still $93 in Australia, for the Model 4 B 4GB, and still out of stock at most sellers.

          People still selling them used for more than $100 on Gumtree and Market place.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            ah yeah i see on https://rpilocator.com/?country=AU that only the pi4 is available from an official seller, hopefully that changes for you soon. We’ve got pretty much the whole range available in the UK now and for a couple of years it’s been really difficult to get any of them, one type would come in to stock every few weeks and then sell out instantly

    • @EyesEyesBaby
      41 year ago

      Plus the things you can do with it. I used mine to download stuff, run a plex server, home assistant, pihole. It’s such a great addition to your home network.

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    Consumer 3D printing. I still can’t get over the fact that I’m able to get a device for only a few hundred bucks that lets me manufacture almost any kind of simple widget on-demand in a matter of hours. It feels like I’m living in the future.

    • @ChrislyBear
      31 year ago

      I’ve been considering a 3D printer for quite some time. Do you recommend FDM or SLA?

      What kind of things do you print? How often do you use it? Does it just collect dust? What kind of hobbies do you have and does a 3D printer support/enhance it?

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        I went back and forth and have both, but ultimately I’ve ended up enjoying FDM a lot more. It really depends on both what you want to accomplish, and how much you’re willing to spend.

        I started off with a cheap Ender 3 V2, used it for a little while, then stopped using it as it was a nightmare having to level it and calibrate it constantly. After that I got an Elegoo Mars 2 Pro as I wanted to be able to make prints without all the mechanical complexity of a FDM printer. It was nice for a while, but I ended up not using it as much because I realized that I enjoyed making functional parts a lot more than art/display pieces like miniatures.

        I ended up biting the bullet and getting the best printer I knew of at the time: the Prusa i3 MK3S+. I got the kit version so that I could save some money. While I wouldn’t get another kit, I do think that everyone should get a printer that they need to build from scratch at least once. I learned about every single piece of the machine in detail as I went along, and I now clearly understand what people mean when they use terms like “gantry”, “idler”, “heat break”, etc.

        After assembly, the MK3S+ was effortless to use in comparison to the Ender 3. It completely changed my mind in regards to what FDM printers could be. I was even able to get some incredibly detailed sculptures out of it (though, of course, not at the level of a resin printer, but still). This printer has been my main workhorse ever since, and I’ve been using it basically nonstop for all kinds of different projects. It’s even paid for itself with a side business I’ve been running by selling parts to people on FB Marketplace.

        Overall, I’d personally advocate for FDM. It is far more versatile than resin in terms of print durability, functionality, cleanliness, and size. It’s even cooler if you get into some light CAD design for making your own parts. Even if you want to make detailed models with it, you can always just swap to a smaller 0.2mm nozzle, print at a lower layer height, and get very detailed prints.

        I am into woodworking, custom keyboards, gaming, and a whole host of other hobbies (including 3d printing, haha) FDM is definitely the most useful for my personal hobbies, though I have been interested in Warhammer 40K lately, so maybe a new resin printer is on the horizon for me, who knows.

        Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide, but if I had to suggest a good start, I’d go with FDM unless you really want to make minis.

        • @ChrislyBear
          11 year ago

          Thank you for the detailed answer! I didn’t realize the art vs. funtional piece aspect that you pointed out in regards to FML/SLA.

          Definitely something I need to consider!

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        I’d stay away from SLA, I’m told uncured resin can be quite toxic.

        Quick Google: “Short-term exposure to resin fumes can result in dizziness, headaches, and throat irritation. The long-term risks are unknown due to lack of research, but may include increased risk of cancer.”

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    Currently the Steam Deck. Between having (most of) my whole Steam Library availble, being able to run EGS/GOG via Heroic Launcher and all the emulators available, it’s like having my entire gamining history all in one machine.

    Plus in Desktop Mode it’s pretty much a full-on desktop Linux PC as well.

    • @TurnItOff_OnAgain
      1 year ago

      I’ve been considering this or the ROG Ally to replace my aging desktop

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Go for a Steam Deck, the community and software openess makes it all worth it and it’ll last longer than the Ally

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    I’d probably go with the Linux kernel. It’s the basis of a fantastical operating system, and used in computing almost everywhere.

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    That’s a tough one, but I think I’m going to go with my ebike. That thing has paid for itself several times over by replacing 90% of car trips, and it’s just so much fun! I cut through parks and follow urban trails to work rather than getting stuck in traffic.

    • @emptyother
      51 year ago

      I feel that for the rentable e-bikes and e-kick scooters. No need for overcrowded buses or car queues. No need to be afraid my bike is gonna get stolen when i park it. They are everywhere in the city. And is often faster than the bus too.

      Just too bad some people cant park them properly, cant follow simple rules, and cant not try to ruin them.

  • thelastknowngod
    91 year ago

    Over the last couple years, kubernetes. It completely changed the game and the ecosystem growing up around it is both exciting and refreshing compared with the old way of managing servers.

    • Nat
      31 year ago

      I’ve been surprised not to see this with any of the fediverse platforms I’ve browsed. Instead, they’re all using Docker Compose. Any idea why that is?

      • deejay4am
        31 year ago

        k8s have a steep learning curve comparatively. With Docker you just install the Docker package and it’s off to the races. With k8s you need to know basically how Docker works, know how the layers it adds on top work, and define everything using YAML config files to get things up and running. The networking is complicated (but flexible), the storage isn’t straightforward (it’s designed to work with large-scale solutions like S3 or Ceph, so setting it up even for local “folder” storage requires more moving parts). Even bootstrapping a new installation requires many steps to install all the pieces you need.

        Don’t get me wrong it’s awesome, but if you don’t already know it, it doesn’t have many advantages for small installations over Docker which is very much “run docker-compose on this file you downloaded and the thing you want sets itself up”.

        While there are tools like Helm or Portainer to assist you, you still have to understand it to make it work.

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    Complements on a cool question.

    Maybe glassblowing. Inert, airtight containers in any shape you want, made from common minerals. Siphons are also neat, and I didn’t know about them until a surprisingly old age. Ditto for diving bells.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    Computers. There is no limit to what they can do. You put a computer to measure time, temperature, the weather; and you can use it to plot all those things in nice graphics. The way you can make computers relate to nature just outline how fundamental it is to science.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    Raspberry Pi.

    I love how such a small computer can overpower many of the computers I had for much of my life. And still overpowers moat of the old computers people still has today in my country.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I think I would say the pocket digital camera, I guess specifically the phone camera. Being able to quickly snap a picture of my kids doing random things over the last 10 years has meant some amazingly beautiful trips down memory lane when I either go looking for a particular photo, or my photo app throws up a curated memory.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Obviously for everyday reasons I’d say computers, internet, electricity and functional plumbing.

    Now getting fancy, I think microscopes are amazing. I haven’t used them a lot unfortunately but whenever I had the chance they got addictive pretty fast. They reveal another world that exists right here, that we can’t perceive, and I’m always mesmerised. Microphotography doesn’t scratch the same itch, there is something about inspecting your own sample .