Some more of Silent Hill 2’s New Game+. Just a disclaimer, but some of these screenshots I messed with the light levels of because they were too dark to see anything (such as the main one). Personally, to me, the presentation of the screenshot is just as important as the screenshot is itself. But just a heads up that some of these are not how they’d look in-game (though I try to avoid it unless I feel it’s necessary).

This one I took during the first encounter of Pyramid Head. I no-clipped onto the other side of the bars and took it. I also got a second shot I liked from the other side of the bars. I did it from a distance as I felt it added a menacing vibe to it, like he was watching from a distance, but I think I overdid it from too far as I feel you have to squint to really see it and I think I did the light levels wrong so it didn’t really help it’s visibility. I think I made the colors too vibrant on accident too so it really killed the gloomy atmosphere.

There was also this screenshot I took of the balcony in the apartment complex. I like the way the fog melts with the shadows under the other balconies.

I wanted to also mention how cathartic the chainsaw is to use. After being terrorized by the enemies for the entire game, it’s amusing to basically have James be mowing them down in one strike lol. I think he’s become the horror villain. I also am doing a Melee and Radioless run for those sweet, sweet achievements. Honestly, with the chainsaw, I’m not too worried about Melee only, but with the Radio off, I honestly feel like it’s become easier to fight enemies than with. I can usually pick up on their sounds unique before they see me, so instead of just static, I can hear them instead.

  • @fluxion
    43 months ago

    Pyramid Head still gives me the heebie-jeebies

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      13 months ago

      My first time running into him in the hallway he freaked me out. He wasn’t doing anything on trapped behind bars, but I was terrified to be near that hallway.