From Ken Grille

The beautiful and majestic Snowy Owl, 11/22/24 Eastern Massachusetts.

This amazing creature migrates to our area from far far away in the Arctic. I would see some in Eastern Long lsland where we used to live and saw a few the first winter (2022) we were here in Eastern Massachusetts. And then for two years (for various reasons) few if any migrated South.

The experts weren’t hopeful that we would see Snowies this year as well. But about 7-10 days ago a few started to arrive in their usual spots and yesterday saw my first one in over two years. I am always stunned by their beauty and gracefulness.

These photos were taken from quite a distance so as not to disturb the Owl. I was on a road, saw him on a shoreline, and never got closer than that. Photos were shot with my long zoom lens (at 900mm) and are heavily cropped.

While will not be frequently searching to take multiple photos of the Snowy Owls (they need to rest and not be on high alert all the time), on the occasion that do this winter it will be quietly, from afar, and for short durations of time. Good advice for everyone to practice on all wildlife.

Lastly, please do not ask me for locations of any Owls or wildlife. I never give that out to protect these precious animals. Thank you.

    • anon6789OP
      4 months ago

      I love the patterns of the lady Snowies. My guess is the black spots help them hide the nest on the ground better, while the whiter makes them blend in best where they are out hunting.

      Even in flat environments, the disruption the spotting provides obscures their outline and finer details of their position and orientation.

      It’s also pretty! 😁