• @mystik
    223 months ago

    I mean, isn’t the solution pretty simple? if Russia leaves Ukraine’s territory, then Ukraine will stop shooting at Russians? The pretense Russia used to invade was entirely made up. Any concession to Russia, even an inch means that they win, and their tactics work, and they will do it again.

    • Optional
      83 months ago

      This is ultimately what it’s about. Any “peace deal” that doesn’t require russia to GTFO and pay restitution for the many billions in war crimes they continue to rack up is just appeasement. It’d be a hard sell at the very least.

  • @lemmylommy
    103 months ago

    There are very skilled people trying to broker peace. However, for peace to reign everyone needs to agree. For war, one aggressor is enough.

  • @Buffalox
    3 months ago

    Why don’t Russia just fuck off and go home? And while they are at it, give Crimea back.
    That’s the only fair peace for Ukraine. But even if Ukraine agree to give up territory, Russia want territory they don’t currently control. Which is decidedly brain dead of them.
    The only way to achieve a fair peace is to give Ukraine a shitload of weapons so they can fight back Russia. And when Russia is out, Ukraine must become a member of NATO.

    The only way this can end well, is to let everything Russia didn’t want happen. And prevent Russia from trying again by having Ukraine in NATO.
    Everybody tried to please Russia before the war, and Russia invaded anyway. There can be no constructive peace with Russia.

    Russia also agreed in 1994 to NOT invade Ukraine, and Russia took over Ukraine’s atomic weapons.
    Clearly Russia can’t be trusted in a peace agreement, unless it backs up Ukraine with NATO power.

    • Don_DickleOP
      13 months ago

      Out of curiousity can you cite the 1994 pack? Kind of seems one sided …why didn’t they just let the US or any European country take it over? Would it not been hell of a lot better than Russia?