Just think about it when we have unlimited context AI i will just put in vanilla code of BF1 or BFV and use it to make more levels. i love that game so much (i have yet to try BFV)
according to a researcher we need 18 TB/s bandwidth GPU to have million context
JUST THINK about how much fun we can have, any ways i just hope it happens soon
this and hair cloning is all i need, i wish i can contribute myself in someway possible (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
LLMs are a scam and no magic number of TB/s is going to make them churn out playable BF1 levels.
What’s stopping you from learning to mod BF1 today? Why do you need some magic AI to make this happen?
by the time i finish it would probably have come out and as the researcher said unlimited/million context will come soon plus i work 12 hours everyday i don’t have enough time, i hope i am able to find a more stable job soon.
That wouldn’t be you making levels, though, would it?