This community sidebar reads:

This Community is intended for posts about the server.

That means announcements from the team, issues you see etc.

But I’m seeing off-topic posts that cloud the purpose of this community.

There’s a featured mod post by Sun-Spider that indicates these non-server related posts should be in the general community.

Full disclosure: I reported some posts and heard back from two admins, supplying contradictory info. One asked me to stop reporting as the posts were allowed, and the other thanked me and mentioned there’s some internal confusion.

Since this is all new, even for the mods/admins, I want to be clear that I’m not trying to throw anyone under the bus or stir the pot. I’m just hoping for some clarity so we know where to direct these posts, and where to watch for updates.

Edit: removed links to off-topic posts

  • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
    301 year ago

    I vote for enforcing the rule.

    Someone created /c/general for our general posting needs, let’s use that one instead of spamming this one.

    • @sigh
      141 year ago

      I vote enforcing a new rule that c/lemmyworld should only contain photos of noodles

  • @melonpunk
    181 year ago

    Can confirm I was looking for the right community to talk about this instance and when I saw posts about noodles I presumed this was not it (I actually didn’t read the sidebar). Would be good to enforce moderation a bit more on this space. Not that I don’t love noodles.

    • @tallwookie
      61 year ago

      there’s a noodle specific community?! nice

  • Dick Justice
    111 year ago

    Honestly, the community should be called Lemmy World Announcements or something instead of just, which is vague and communicates nothing to the user. I don’t know if Admins or mods can change the community name.

    As server/instance announcements are incredibly important, I humbly suggest that this community be solely for server announcements, and nothing else. Can admins or mods restrict who is able to post here? Can they make it so only admins/mods can post, but everyone can comment? That seems ideal.

    Then create a new community called [email protected], or @lemmyworldsupport, or something like that for user questions, input and feedback about the instance

  • Marxine
    61 year ago

    Agreed, it’s necessary to have a community for server/admin announcements and discussions, and this is the one

  • iAmTheTot
    51 year ago

    Browsing from kbin and have been considering blocking this mag. It’s so random and constantly in my front page.

  • @PriorProject
    1 year ago

    I think either the mods need to go nuclear and start issuing tmp bans for misusing this community, or we need to give up and move server/admin announcements to a new meta community.

    I’m in favor of a new meta community, I don’t think people understand or care what this community is supposed to be about and I think its name is too cool for people to give up trying to turn it into /r/everythingidontcarewhatever/

    cc @[email protected] who is a mod here. FWIW, I feel like there’s so much garbage here that I’m losing visibility for server/admin posts which are both… like… essential for the health of the community… and also legitimately interesting to me.

    • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
      71 year ago

      No need to go nuclear IMO, it’s enough to close off-topic threads directing posters to /c/general, people will learn, hopefully.

      • @PriorProject
        1 year ago

        The reason that I suggest nucularity is that apparently the past 2d have been what it looks like when the mods are already closing off-topic threads: The off-topic threads appear to be winning, so I’m suggesting more drastic options.

        Perhaps time is what is needed, but there are also still people in this very thread arguing that this community SHOULD be a free-for-all… so… I dunno. It just seems like the standard approach is being tried unsuccessfully, I’m happy to be patient and give mods the time to try what they think is right though. Just trying to spark ideas for significant improvement.> Spider

  • AlmightySnoo 🐢🇮🇱🇺🇦
    1 year ago

    There’s a featured mod post by Sun-Spider that indicates these non-server related posts should be in the general community.

    Looks like you haven’t looked at the tl;dr of the same post you linked to then. But my meme you apparently have a problem with along with the discussions in its comments does specifically fall under the scope of allowed threads outlined in that post.

    You not liking the meme format is one thing which I fully respect (in which case, as for any content you don’t like, you can either ignore it, downvote it and/or express your disagreement), but to go and make it an example of community rules breach is a bit of a stretch.

    I won’t comment on the other posts you linked to but reporting and shaming posts in public is source of toxicity, the mods already answered you in private since, I quote:

    One asked me to stop reporting as the posts were allowed, and the other thanked me and mentioned there’s some internal confusion.

    It seems to me that you aren’t advocating for a “clarification”, but rather for a change of the rules because you are frustrated that the community is not moderated the way you want it to be moderated.

    • @s38b35M5OP
      41 year ago

      I apologize. I didn’t click into your meme post. I’ll edit my post to avoid the impression of shaming, as that is definitely not my intent. I’ll work on my communication.

  • @_number8_
    -81 year ago

    does everything have to be so goddamn strict and airtight

    it’s a posting site, let people post

    • @PriorProject
      151 year ago

      Let them post in another community. I care about the server admin announcements here that I cannot get anywhere else, not so much about hotdognoodlememes which I already can’t open my browser without getting smacked in the face with.

    • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
      151 year ago

      There are 109 communities on this server, one hundred and nine, why do you have to spam the only one that should be dedicated to server announcements??

    • @Aurix
      21 year ago

      It won’t work outside tiny communities which this is not.