• @EpsilonEridani
    311 hours ago

    “We’ll hold on to your land for a while, until you elect new leaders. Here! Take these walkie talkies as a gift. You won’t regret it!”

  • @[email protected]
    111 hours ago

    So who are the judges, you ask? Who are they all! How to call those people, countries that invade foreign and countries, which have their own way of life, traditions, way of thinking, a different understanding of life… I want to ask

  • @[email protected]
    12 hours ago

    Why do you always say: dictator, murderer, enslaver, etc. What can you theorists know about this? Do you even know how people lived under Saddam Hussein, the most developed medicine, complete tolerance of religion, there were no Islamic states, Houthis, etc., one of the highest standards of living and its quality in the region, the same thing happened in Libya during the time of Gaddafi, Muammar’s state flourished and what is happening now in both states? Islamist’s, states torn to shreds, complete lawlessness… Should I continue… China?! How is this not a dictatorship? And that your computers are made in China, iPhones, cars… nothing?!

    Were you in Syria in 1995? Of course not and you don’t know or wouldn’t want to know how they lived, and they lived very well, better than now, for example, the Baltic countries, etc. Dictator, dictator… You have to think sometimes!

    • @OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe
      10 hours ago

      If anyone wants to know how to spot when someone has a clear and extreme bias, one can spot it very clearly in the comment above.

      When someone lists a group’s (religion, race, ethnicity) existence as a negative along with things like “lawlessness, state torn to shreds”, you now have a firm understanding of who they’re willing to dehumanize to make their points.

    • @HelterSkeletor
      311 hours ago

      Tell me more about how great rule under those genociders was.

  • @maniii
    219 hours ago

    Younited States of Syisrael … maybe once Jordan is “self-defended” JordSyisrael …




  • @[email protected]
    221 hours ago

    Seeing this move should’ve immediately sent Hezbollah to break the ceasefire, at least if they’re interested in not letting Israeli forces flank their metaphorical Maginot line by going through a neutral-but-defenseless country.