In 2s and 3s, 1s I’m still gold 3 for unknown reasons. Guess I’m just not consistent enough yet. Sometimes I drop as low as silver 2 in 1s which I don’t understand at all… but I’m done being upset. It’s such a fun game.

Nothing else really. I’m just very proud of my ability to adapt and improve beyond gold. Back when I initially bought the game in 2016, I used to rage at every loss and I’m sure my blood pressure was thru the roof. I’d forcibly uninstall the game at the end of every play session… yeah, super unhealthy.

So I quit for a few years, came back in 2023 having been regularly meditating, and talking openly to those friends who would listen about my struggles, and I’d listen to theirs. I talked out so many rage issues and found that my anxiety and potential autism would cause me to release directionless rage at innocent bystanders.

I brought that to an end. I’m not sure how good I actually am, I still regularly dominate matches at plat 2 so who knows, the sky is the limit!

Final note, 1v1 is the only game mode where my rank drops massively. But I don’t mind, they’re slowly teaching me techniques as I get owned and I try to copy them. Thanks smurfs :)

I have a healthy relationship to my emotional state now, and this allows me to enjoy and improve in RL in a way I never thought possible.

I realize this post may be silly, but it makes me happy to share.

I love RL!!

  • @slin
    3 months ago

    Congrats, mate! It’s not uncommon to have a lower rank in 1s than in 2s or 3s if you’re not maining 1s.

    Every mode requires different skills, positioning, and strategies.

    1s is great for training since you don’t have teammates, and a mistake usually means your opponent scores.

    In 1s, take it slower and play smarter than your opponent. Avoid defending from your corner, as that leaves your goal wide open.

    In lower ranks, players often outplay themselves by hitting the ball to your backboard. Wait in your goal for it to bounce back, and then you can score an open net, etc.