One thing I loved about Holmes and Moldvay /Mentzer red boxes was having a set of rules that didn’t overwhelm new players with lots of material that they won’t need until later.

I know that most osr games are rules light enough that it isn’t too much, but I was wondering if there are any systems out there that seperate out the ‘basic’ and ‘expert / advanced’ levels like that?

A particular peeve of mine is that spell descriptions seem so often to be presented alphabetical so that the 10 spells that might matter are lost in a bunch of pages. But even just class descriptions or saving throw tables that cover the whole range make level 1 look like a stepping stone, rather than a satisfying place to play many an adventure!

Any suggestions?

  • Sandra
    22 years ago

    Moldvay Basic is available again, albeit only in PDF. I refer to it all the time.

  • @TigerClawTVM
    22 years ago

    White Box: Fantasy Medeval Adventure Game is a great choice. Everything caps around level 5.

    Blueholme Pretense caps at level 3. Another great choice.

    I thing Dungeon Crawl Classics has an into version as well, though I have never read it.