Based on curated lists from BookBub, Crime Reads, Book Riot and more, suggestions from readers on Goodreads, Quora and Reddit, and recommendations from authors like Jasper Fforde, Sharon Shinn and David Brin, here is a roundup of the 81 best sci-fi crime novels ever written.

  • @chemical_cutthroat
    94 days ago

    Wow. A list I don’t have too much of a beef with. I would probably rearrange it a little, but it would be quibbles. Mostly, I’m 100% on board, if not with the exact placing, with the titles listed at least.

  • @lunarul
    54 days ago

    I’ve never thought of them as crime novels, except Caves of Steel (which was explicitly written to prove that sci-fi is not a genre), but I’ve already read half of the top 10. Guess I’ll add the other half to my to read list.

    • FuglyDuck
      14 days ago

      What’s funny is … it just made a sub genre, more or less. (Maybe not the oldest on the list, but it didn’t hurt the sub genre.)

    • FuglyDuck
      4 days ago

      The rape depiction is insanely unsettling.

      Edit: and really isn’t necessary for the book.

      • @[email protected]
        04 days ago

        Wait what? I’ve read the book twice, but it’s been a long while… I don’t remember any such scene? Must have blocked this out of my mind… gonna have to reread.

        • FuglyDuck
          23 days ago

          It’s fairly early in the book, basically the nightclub guy drugs up an underage (iirc could be wrong on the age) girl and convinces her boyfriend to start having sex on camera- then is followed by every guy in the room.

          It’s absolutely gratuitous and, even it was really important for the audience to know, it could have easily been alluded to. It serves not real purpose to the plot.

    • [email protected]OP
      24 days ago

      È tra quelli che ho letto nella lista, e mi è piaciuto un sacco. Una descrizione non solo verosime ma viva di un luogo completamente assurdo, che mi è rimasto nella mente , e a cui ogni tanto ripenso.

      Ho un sacco di ammirazione per l’autore, per essersi inventato qualcosa così.

      • Flavio Torba
        04 days ago

        @lgsp Penso la stessa cosa. Poi però ho letto embassy town e perfido street station e non mi hanno detto granché. Forse perché troppo prolissi o non ero ben disposto io all’epoca

        • [email protected]OP
          13 days ago

          Ho letto solo embassytown, e nomostante ammiri molto lidea, l’ho trivaro confuso e meno appassionante, e in sostanza concordo con te