Get a bidet shower, Mr Starlord.
Warning: If you have IBD, the water may sting those constant fissures.
Idk man I’ve had massive bowel issues since forever and that’s sort of why I’ve come to love it. See it’s not a full blast. There’s nothing tearing at my arse.
First I need to turn on my tap, and the pressure I open the tap with is how much pressure the bidet shower gets. Then the bidet shower also has a trigger, so you’re not even blasting the full pressure of tap. You could put the tap on a drip and then only slightly press the trigger on the bidet shower head. Ofc that would result in nothing, but if you open the tap about half and then spray your arse with about half that, it’s like the gentlest stream that you can still nicely direct and isn’t going everywhere
Ill go an take a photo after posting this then edit it on my phone to add the photo
Edit, see, very gentle stream
Push trigger halfway
Put if I were to put some more pressure on, you can see the difference
also pls don’t criticise the cleanliness of my sink I just washed my bong
That looks more gentle that the one I ended up getting. I got one of those with a little stationary spray nozzle at the back of the toilet seat. It would have to use enough pressure to make it to the area of focus, so it would burn sometimes. Other times, it would miss. I like the hose idea, so I might get one of those instead. Thanks for the info!
And don’t worry. I wasn’t going to criticize your fingers or anything else about you :)
Yeah I’ve seen those somewhere and always thought they’d be horrible to use. They remind me of what these used to somewhat be like, when they were made of hard plastic and the flow wasn’t as smooth as with that sort of rubbery end. Like a hard plastic one would be good at first but after years it’d strart shooting beams all willy nilly.
These are great and genuinely in like 95% of Finnish toilets. Even public toilets usually have one stall with a small sink just so it has one of these.
I wasn’t going to criticize your fingers
Are you sure?
The public bathrooms in Finland sounds really nice compared the ones in the US.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I didn’t even notice that there was a sink in the background :p
Not only is abstaining from wiping completely legal, but if you wash daily, there is little to no smell. Just skip the step entirely.
If you’re a smoker, you will notice little to no smell on your fingers, breath or clothes. Others will though.
Thats why it’s polite to wash your hands and clothes and teeth.
Like it’s polite to wash your ass.
Don’t be a poopybutt. Get a bidet shower.
You absolute dirt bag
Save time and effort by pooping in the shower.
Eat all your food wrapped in toilet paper and experience a life of maximum efficiency.
If it was maximum efficiency, I wouldn’t need to poop at all.
Early bird gets the worm.