I always enjoy a good spooky/creepy story. What’s yours?

  • HousePanther
    3511 months ago

    I once worked security for an abandoned mental hospital, then referred to as an Asylum for the Criminally Insane. I worked the night shift and there was all kinds of hair raising and creepy shit that would go on. Sometimes enough to keep you wide the hell awake. No danger of going to sleep on that shift.

      • HousePanther
        5111 months ago

        Yeah, but ironically this wasn’t super natural. Some kids broke in to the building that were kind of these animal sacrifice cultists for lack of a better word. I heard a scream and drew my firearm. Those kids scared the living shit out of me. Fuckers tortured a cat and it was the cat I heard scream out in pain. I held them all under felony citizens arrest until the police showed up in force. I don’t like cops but when I was going through college, being a security guard happened to pay a lot better than anything else. One of the cops said to the kids, “My wife and I have cats. You’re fucking lucky I don’t beat the shit out of you with my baton. See how you fuckers like an ass beating.”

        That was the one and only time I could seriously consider treating a cop to beer and wings. All of my life I’ve been owned by a feline or two. I seriously wanted to beat the shit out of these kids too. Restraint though likely kept me outta jail. Cop even told me later on, out of ear shot of anybody else, that if I had beaten the shit out of these kids, we would be sitting at an all-nite diner having a good meal and filling out paperwork. That was the ONLY cop I could ever get behind

    • @grabyourmotherskeys
      1911 months ago

      I worked in a restaurant that was haunted. Used to f-ing terrified to be there alone. Cold drafts, lady with an old fashioned dress like a ghost from a movie disappeared around corner of the dining room a couple times (I will admit this might have been my imagination), stuff just randomly falling off walls (framed art) and shelves when no one was around, etc. I don’t expect anyone to believe this but it was nuts and a lot of people experienced it.

      • HousePanther
        811 months ago

        After having worked security where I did, I’ve got no trouble believing you at all. Spooky shit happens.

      • @kmkz_ninja
        611 months ago

        Are people in 100 years going to hear a quiet “bro I’m dead bro” then a fortnight dance from the empty room above them?

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Imagine a ghost coming to you, staring at you with its glassy eyes, saying “sussy baka” and then just disappearing.

  • LachlanUnchained
    11 months ago

    A few years back, I moved into an old farmhouse in the countryside. It was peaceful, except for the noises that would come from the attic every night, a soft thumping like someone walking around. After a couple of sleepless nights, I finally mustered the courage to check it out.

    I climbed up to the attic with a flashlight. It was full of dusty old furniture and trinkets, probably from previous tenants. As I was examining a pile of old newspapers, my flashlight caught something - a pair of eyes glowing in the dark, staring right back at me. I nearly dropped the flashlight in shock. As I shone the light in the direction, I found an old portrait of a woman. The eyes were eerily lifelike. I convinced myself it was just the way the light was hitting it.

    The noises didn’t stop, but I learned to live with them. But the weirdest part was when I left the house a 6 months later. The movers came to get my stuff, and I told them to leave everything in the attic, I’d Grabe those items myself. I mainly needed movers for the big heavy stuff. Later, when I returned to pick up some remaining items, the portrait was gone.

    To this day, I still can’t figure out where it could have gone, why just that. Probably some completely logical explanation, but it still gives me chills when I think about it.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Begun to have a sleep parálisis while awake, then watching how a shadow person looked at me by the door until my thoughts went from “omg I’m so dead” to stupidly effective “if I’m gonna die, u coming with me”. Then it just ended like a bad dream but while being awake, never again tried to sleep in that fricking place.

    • fingerburger
      911 months ago

      Sleep paralysis in general. Whenever it happens, there’s always some malevolent presence. I had something sitting on my bed, screaming right in my ear or gust being nearby, and you cannot even turn around to look at it or ask for help even if it’s available.

      I recognize the type of sleep when it’s likely to happen, the heavy uneasy feeling usually in the morning, and fight to wake up completely to avoid the encounter. But I always know that I’ll have to go back to bed eventually, I can never escape.

      • @[email protected]
        1011 months ago

        I’ve had a couple instances of sleep paralysis but my brain is so fucking weird it just instantly identifies what’s happening and goes with it like a vaguely intellectual drug trip. My cat advanced on me once and went full on demonic face and i was like ‘fckin awesome acid trip, man’

  • @[email protected]
    1811 months ago

    When I was a little kid, maybe 5 years old, my family lived in this old house that used to be a Civil War hospital during a few battles.

    All kinds of weird shit happened there, but one event stands out.

    I was sleeping between my parents in their bed on the second floor. I woke up. It was late and very dark.

    I looked to my right and saw the curtains blowing in. The windows were painted shut. I watched as the curtains start to slide off the wall. It looked like someone was holding them up. I shit you not. Like I could see feet just underneath the bottom.

    The curtains moved to the foot of the bed, and fell.

    I don’t remember seeing this, but my parents swear I told them that when the curtains fell, a woman with a yellow dress and no eyes had been holding them up, and that she stood at the foot of the bed for a while.

    The curtains, according to my parents, we’re in fact on the floor at the foot of the bed. I can’t vouch for that though because I was a kid and frankly, don’t remember.

    My best non-supernatural explanation is that I had sleep paralysis that night and hallucinated much of what I saw. I’ve had it chronically since, so it’s possible.

    I don’t know though. It’s one of those things I think about late at night when I have too much free time. What the fuck did I see?

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      Seep paralisys is helluva thing. I’ve experienced lots of freaky stuff with it. Some of these include early 1900s looking shadowy figures walking through my room as if it would be a train station. Or a huge, black creature with very long claws (kinda like slender version of fallout’s Deathclaw) standing over me not letting me sleep (interestingly, I could see through both mine and its eyes. My first TPP experience) or just shadow black figures standing there at the end of my bed.

  • wilberfan
    1511 months ago

    My sister and I got a Ouija board as teens because we were curious. We had a few interesting sessions, but things got dark one afternoon after school. Words were being misspelled that we both knew the correct spelling of. The messages were getting aggressive. At one point the message announced that both our parents had just died in a auto accident on the way home from work. (It was after 5 at that point.)

    They both arrived safely, but a couple of hours later a friend came over who led a weekly class in metaphysics. (This was the late '60s.)

    The instant he walked in the door, he froze. He announced with great concern that there was someone present to needed to be encouraged to move on.

    At the beginning of that night’s class, he held some kind of ceremony encouraging whatever that was to leave.

    We put the Ouija board away and never used it again.

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      The fact that you enjoyed playing with a ouija board and took metaphysics classes shows that you are open-minded and suggestible. These practices help you notice micro-expressions of the other participants and help you attune to the “vibe“ that other people are projecting.

      The metaphysics teacher is also trained in these sensibilities, and noticed how you were all out of sorts when he arrived at your house

  • @Crackhappy
    11 months ago

    Not that spooky or creepy. I saw my first ghost at 16. Dude walking calmly by the window outside my mom’s office as I was playing games on her computer. Except that he’d have to be on stilts or 9 foot tall for that to happen.

    Second time my business partner and I were driving back to his place 2:30 am after a long day of working when we suddenly noticed an oddly attired dude sitting calmly in our backseat not moving or talking. Stopped at a stoplight in the middle of the night we both piled out of the car amidst exclamations of surprise. Took us 5 minutes before we came back to the car and only because another car was coming. Whoever that dude was he’d cleared out somehow. Despite it being the middle of the night and both of us having a clear line of sight on the car.

    Hallucinations, both of them.

    • @Crackhappy
      611 months ago

      Forgot a couple more. Same business partner about a year later, we were chilling in the basement sauna, also after a long day of work just basking in the heat when we both noticed a hand coming straight down out of the ceiling. We yelled and ran out stark fucking naked. Thankfully no one else about. Went back in after a bit and it was all normal.

      6 months after my late wife passed (mother of our four children) all of the cats gathered in the hallway and kept staring up at the wall leading into the room she died in. Investigated possible causes but could not find anything. They kept doing it. That was a little weird. No noises, or mice or anything. Still scratching my head as to what the fuck they were looking at, all these years later.

      • Deez
        611 months ago

        Interesting to hear of a shared hallucinations. Were either of you under the influence, or (feel free not to answer) have any serious mental health disorders that could explain it?

        • @Crackhappy
          111 months ago

          No, in none of the cases was anyone under the influence of anything. It was strange, and with my business partner and I, I just chalked it up to being very tired.

          • Deez
            211 months ago

            How weird! Thanks for sharing!

        • @[email protected]
          -111 months ago

          We were both supposed to be taking Halidol but hadn’t for a few days.

          We decided to change out our meds for some really potent weed with some PCP, LSD and meth mixed in.

          Don’t see how that’s relevant to the story, though

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      This reminds me of seeing myself from the window of a car.

      I was coming home in a taxi during midsummer, and there was this cliff thing by the road. There was some forest growing almost immediately next to the cliff’s edge.

      Then I saw a girl who seemed to be my age walking near the edge. She had the exactly same dress I wore that day, the exactly same hair and walked just the way I did.

      I’m still puzzled whenever I think about it.

  • Spoonraker
    511 months ago

    I was facing a wall shelf with a stack of hard plastic cups wedged into it, and when I turned around I’d heard the cups fall to the floor. Based on how tightly they were wedged in there’s no way they could’ve fallen on their own. Although there was an open window that was adjacent to it there’s no way that a breeze could’ve knocked them over, and even if someone on the lower floor punched the wall it wouldn’t have knocked the cups down. Nothing else happened in that room that was out of the ordinary.

    Although I’m still a skeptic, I don’t have a reasonable explanation for this one.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      “Wedged” implies that they were under some sort of elastic strain. Is it possible that something like a footstep on the floor provided just the right unbalanced force to release that stored energy?

      • Spoonraker
        110 months ago

        I don’t recall hearing anyone on the floor (this was in a college dorm), but the best guess I have is that reverberations from a footstep/knock/etc knocked the cups over. Other than that, I’ve got nothing.

  • @[email protected]
    13 months ago

    I don’t believe in the supernatural.

    The house I live in is my fathers childhood home. His mother was, frankly, schizophrenic, in an era where most people equated mental health with Rose Kennedy. She went untreated. She beat him as a child, and drove her entire family away. She died 15 years ago, and we are still cleaning out her accumulated garbage. She called for him on her deathbed; my father still didn’t go.

    My mother also died in this house, suddenly. But she loved us, and we love her.

    So I don’t believe in the supernatural, but I have been friends with two self proclaimed witches, who both said this place has an “off” energy. and sometimes, at night, you might sense movement out of the corner of your eye. It can be unnerving.

  • @Qazkin
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