Such a superb owl.

  • anon6789
    620 days ago

    Cap those chimneys! Owls have bad close up vision because they can’t move their eyes and it looks like a safe spot until they fall down there.

    They either get in the house where it’s dangerous for them, get hurt or starve in the chimney, or worse if a fire gets lit without knowing something is in there.

    Thankfully this one was safely released! Let our outdoor friends have a happy and safe holiday by doing your part to protect them.

  • @lath
    521 days ago

    Went hiding in a closet, found Narnia.

  • @MyDogLovesMe
    420 days ago

    IIRC, and someone with better knowledge jump in please, but I think amongst several Native American cultures this ranks as a really BAD omen.