Day 23: LAN Party

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


  • @VegOwOtenks
    22 months ago


    The solution for part two could now be used for part one as well but then I would have to rewrite part 1 .-.

    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.Ord (comparing)
    import qualified Data.List as List
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    parse = Map.fromListWith Set.union . (second Set.singleton) . uncurry (++) . (id &&& (uncurry (flip (,)))) . map (break (== '-') >>> second (drop 1)) . takeWhile (/= "") . lines
    depthSearch connections ps
            | length ps == 4 && head ps == last ps = [ps]
            | length ps == 4 = []
            | otherwise  = head
                    >>> (connections Map.!)
                    >>> Set.toList
                    >>> (:ps)
                    >>> List.concatMap (depthSearch connections)
                    $ ps
    interconnections (computer, connections) = depthSearch connections [computer]
    part1 = (Map.assocs &&& repeat)
            >>> first ( (uncurry Set.insert))
            >>> first (Set.toList . Set.unions)
            >>> uncurry zip
            >>> List.concatMap interconnections
            >>> (Set.fromList . take 3)
            >>> List.filter (Set.fold (List.head >>> (== 't') >>> (||)) False)
            >>> Set.fromList
            >>> Set.size
    getLANParty computer connections = (connections Map.!)
            >>> findLanPartyComponent connections [computer]
            $ computer
    filterCandidates connections participants candidates = (connections Map.!)
            >>> List.foldl Set.intersection candidates
            >>> Set.filter ((connections Map.!) >>> \ s -> List.all (flip Set.member s) participants)
            $ participants
    findLanPartyComponent connections participants candidates
            | Set.null validParticipants = participants
            | otherwise = findLanPartyComponent connections (nextParticipant : participants) (Set.delete nextParticipant candidates)
                    nextParticipant = Set.findMin validParticipants
                    validParticipants = filterCandidates connections participants candidates
    part2 = (Map.keys &&& repeat)
            >>> uncurry zip
            >>> ((uncurry getLANParty) >>> List.sort)
            >>> List.nub
            >>> List.maximumBy (comparing List.length)
            >>> List.intercalate ","
    main = getContents
            >>= print
            . (part1 &&& part2)
            . parse
    • lwhjp
      22 months ago

      The solution for part two could now be used for part one as well but then I would have to rewrite part 1 .-.

      I initially thought that, but now I reconsider I’m not so sure. Isn’t it possible to have a 3-member clique overlapping two larger ones? In other words, there could be more than one way to partition the graph into completely connected components. Which means my solution to part 2 is technically incorrect. Bummer.

      • @VegOwOtenks
        22 months ago

        There probably are multiple ways to partition the graph. I haven’t applied any optimizations and my program checks members of already detected groups again, would that yield all possible partitions because I choose all the possible starting points for a k-clique?

        • lwhjp
          22 months ago

          If you’re re-checking all nodes you should be safe 👍

  • @mykl
    22 months ago


    A little bit of googling, a little bit of Wikipedia, and so a little bit of


    the basic Bron-Kerbosch algorithm

    gave me the following which takes about 300ms.

    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    SetMultimap<String, String> getNodes(List<String> lines) {
      var nodes = SetMultimap<String, String>();
      for (var l in lines) {
        var p = l.split('-');
      return nodes;
    part1(List<String> lines) {
      var nodes = getNodes(lines);
      var ts = nodes.keys.where((e) => e.startsWith('t'));
      var ret = <String>[];
      for (var t in ts) {
            .where((e) => nodes[e.first].contains(e.last))
            .map((e) => (([t] + e)..sort()).toString()));
      return ret.toSet().length;
    part2(List<String> lines) {
      var nodes = getNodes(lines);
      Iterable<Set<String>> useBK1(
          Set<String> R, Set<String> P, Set<String> X) sync* {
        if (P.isEmpty && X.isEmpty) {
          yield R;
        for (var v in P.toSet()) {
          yield* useBK1(R.toSet()..add(v), P.intersection(nodes[v]),
      var vs = nodes.keys.toSet()..addAll(nodes.values.deepFlatten());
      var ret = useBK1({}, vs, {}).toList();
      var max = => e.length).max;
      return ret.firstWhere((e) => e.length == max).sorted().join(',');
  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago


    Finding cliques in a graph, which is actually NP-comlete. For part two I did look up how to do it and implemented the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm. Adding the pivoting optimization improved the runtime from 134ms to 7.4ms, so that is definitely worth it (in some sense, of course I already had the correct answer without pivoting).

    use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
    fn parse(input: &str) -> (Vec<Vec<usize>>, FxHashMap<&str, usize>) {
        let mut graph = Vec::new();
        let mut names: FxHashMap<&str, usize> = FxHashMap::default();
        for l in input.lines() {
            let (vs, ws) = l.split_once('-').unwrap();
            let v = *names.entry(vs).or_insert_with(|| {
                graph.len() - 1
            let w = *names.entry(ws).or_insert_with(|| {
                graph.len() - 1
        (graph, names)
    fn part1(input: String) {
        let (graph, names) = parse(&input);
        let mut triples: FxHashSet<[usize; 3]> = FxHashSet::default();
        for (_, &v) in names.iter().filter(|(name, _)| name.starts_with('t')) {
            for (i, &u) in graph[v].iter().enumerate().skip(1) {
                for w in graph[v].iter().take(i) {
                    if graph[u].contains(w) {
                        let mut triple = [u, v, *w];
        println!("{}", triples.len());
    // Bron-Kerbosch algorithm for finding all maximal cliques in a graph
    fn bron_kerbosch(
        graph: &[Vec<usize>],
        r: &mut Vec<usize>,
        mut p: FxHashSet<usize>,
        mut x: FxHashSet<usize>,
    ) -> Vec<Vec<usize>> {
        if p.is_empty() && x.is_empty() {
            return vec![r.to_vec()];
        let mut maximal_cliques = Vec::new();
        let Some(&u) = p.iter().next() else {
            return maximal_cliques;
        let mut p_pivot = p.clone();
        for w in &graph[u] {
        for v in p_pivot {
            let pn = graph[v].iter().filter(|w| p.contains(w)).copied().collect();
            let xn = graph[v].iter().filter(|w| x.contains(w)).copied().collect();
            let new_cliques = bron_kerbosch(graph, r, pn, xn);
    fn part2(input: String) {
        let (graph, names) = parse(&input);
        let p = (0..graph.len()).collect();
        let mut r = Vec::new();
        let maximal_cliques = bron_kerbosch(&graph, &mut r, p, FxHashSet::default());
        let maximum_clique = maximal_cliques
            .max_by_key(|clique| clique.len())
        let mut lan_names: Vec<&str> = names
            .filter(|(_, v)| maximum_clique.contains(v))
            .map(|(name, _)| *name)
        println!("{}", lan_names.join(","));

    Also on github

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago


    Graph problems are not my cake but this one I could work out: recursively iterate unique combination of adjacent nodes. Performance benefits from using a basic, int-indexed adjacency matrix.

    Fast enough on my 2015 PC:

    day23 0:00.05 1644 Kb 0+143 faults

    #include "common.h"
    #define VZ 520	/* max no. vertices */
    #define SZ 32	/* max set size */
    static char names[VZ][3];
    static char adj[VZ][VZ];
    static int nvert;
    static int
    to_id(const char *name)
    	int i;
    	for (i=0; i<nvert; i++)
    		if (!strcmp(name, names[i]))
    			return i;
    	assert(nvert < VZ);
    	assert(strlen(name) < LEN(*names));
    	snprintf(names[nvert++], sizeof(*names), "%s", name);
    	return i;
    static int
    cmp_id(const void *a, const void *b)
    	return strcmp(names[*(int*)a], names[*(int*)b]);
     * Construct all unique combinations of nodes, with every extension,
     * confirm they're all connected. Essentally this but recursive:
     *   for (a=0; a<nvert; a++)
     *   for (b=a+1; b<nvert; b++)
     *   for (c=b+1; c<nvert; c++)
     *     ...
     * Note the inner loops continue forward from the point of the outside
     * loop, avoiding duplicate combinations.
     * 'set' and 'best' are arrays of size SZ, length 'sz' and 'bz'. 'set'
     * is the current working state; 'best' is a copy of the longest known
     * set.
    static int
    max_set(int *set, int sz, int *best, int bz)
    	int bz1, v,i;
    	assert(sz < SZ);
    	/* for each potential candidate */
    	for (v = sz ? set[sz-1]+1 : 0; v < nvert; v++) {
    		 /* adjacent to all in current set? */
    		for (i=0; i<sz && adj[set[i]][v]; i++) ;
    		if (i != sz) continue;
    		 /* recur and update 'best size' if needed */
    		set[sz] = v;
    		if (bz < (bz1 = max_set(set, sz+1, best, bz))) bz = bz1;
    	/* store longest known set in 'best' */
    	if (sz > bz)
    		memcpy(best, set, (bz = sz) * sizeof(*best));
    	return bz;
    main(int argc, char **argv)
    	static int set[SZ], best[SZ];
    	char buf[8];
    	int p1=0, a,b,c, i, bz;
    	if (argc > 1)
    		DISCARD(freopen(argv[1], "r", stdin));
    	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) {
    		assert(strlen(buf) >= 5);
    		buf[2] = buf[5] = '\0';
    		a = to_id(buf);
    		b = to_id(buf+3);
    		adj[a][b] = adj[b][a] = 1;
    	for (a=0; a<nvert; a++)
    	for (b=a+1; b<nvert; b++)
    	for (c=b+1; c<nvert; c++)
    		p1 += adj[a][b] && adj[a][c] && adj[b][c] && (
    		      names[a][0] == 't' || names[b][0] == 't' ||
    		      names[c][0] == 't');
    	printf("23: %d ", p1);
    	bz = max_set(set, 0, best, 0);
    	qsort(best, bz, sizeof(*best), cmp_id);
    	for (i=0; i<bz; i++)
    		printf(i ? ",%s" : "%s", names[best[i]]);
    	return 0;

  • @[email protected]OPM
    2 months ago


    Part2 works, and is fast enough, but still feels kinda gross. No idea if this is a known algorithm or not.

    Edit: Having looked at the Bron-Kerbosch wiki page, I have no idea how that works, and its way too much math for me. I’m more happy with my result now :D

    Edit2: Because the code is messy, i’ll try summarise pt2 here:

    • From pt1, I already have a list of all nodes and their peers.
    • For each node, I then have the potential network.
      • For each node in the potential network, count the links to the other network nodes.
      • Filter network to the N nodes with at least N-1 peers

    Presumably this is a known algorithm, and I just naively ran into it. I don’t think it can fail, but maybe on some more exotic graphs? Might not scale well either, but given the networks are small, its probably okay here?

    mod tests {
        use std::collections::HashMap;
        fn day23_part1_test() {
            let input = std::fs::read_to_string("src/input/day_23.txt").unwrap();
            let links = input
                .map(|l| l.split_once('-').unwrap())
                .collect::<Vec<(&str, &str)>>();
            let mut peer_map = HashMap::new();
            for pair in links {
            let mut rings = vec![];
            for (pc, peers) in &peer_map {
                if !pc.starts_with('t') {
                for (i, first) in peers.iter().enumerate() {
                    for second in peers[i..].iter() {
                        if first == second {
                        if !peer_map.get(first).unwrap().contains(second) {
                        let mut set = vec![pc, second, first];
                        if !rings.contains(&set) {
            println!("{}", rings.len());
        fn day23_part2_test() {
            let input = std::fs::read_to_string("src/input/day_23.txt").unwrap();
            let links = input
                .map(|l| l.split_once('-').unwrap())
                .collect::<Vec<(&str, &str)>>();
            let mut peer_map = HashMap::new();
            for pair in links {
                let p1 = peer_map.entry(pair.0).or_insert(Vec::new());
                if !p1.contains(&pair.1) {
                let p2 = peer_map.entry(pair.1).or_insert(Vec::new());
                if !p2.contains(&pair.0) {
            let mut biggest_network = String::new();
            for (pc, peers) in &peer_map {
                let mut network = HashMap::new();
                network.insert(pc, peers.len());
                for first in peers {
                    let mut total = 1;
                    for second in peers.iter() {
                        if first == second {
                        if peer_map.get(first).unwrap().contains(second) {
                            total += 1;
                    network.insert(first, total);
                let mut network_size = peers.len();
                loop {
                    if network_size == 0 {
                    let mut out = network
                        .filter_map(|(k, v)| {
                            if v >= &network_size {
                                return Some(**k);
                    if out.len() == network_size + 1 {
                        let pw = out.join(",");
                        // println!("{}", pw);
                        if pw.len() > biggest_network.len() {
                            biggest_network = pw;
                    network_size -= 1;
            println!("{}", biggest_network);
  • @[email protected]
    22 months ago


    Part1 was pretty simple, just check all neighbors of a node for overlap, then filter out triples which don’t have nodes beginning with ‘t’.

    For part2, I seem to have picked a completely different strategy to everyone else. I was a bit lost, then just boldly assumed, that if I take overlap of all triples with 1 equal node, I might be able to find the answer that way. To my surprise, this worked for my input. I’d be very curious to know if I just got lucky or if the puzzle is designed to work with this approach.

    The full code is also on GitHub.

    class Day23 : Puzzle {
        private val connections = ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>()
        private val tripleCache = HashSet<Triple<String, String, String>>()
        override fun readFile() {
            val input = readInputFromFile("src/main/resources/day23.txt")
            for (line in input.lines()) {
                val parts = line.split("-")
                connections.add(Pair(parts[0], parts[1]))
        override fun solvePartOne(): String {
            val triples = getConnectionTriples(connections)
            tripleCache.addAll(triples) // for part 2
            val res = triples.count { it.first.startsWith("t") || it.second.startsWith("t") || it.third.startsWith("t") }
            return res.toString()
        private fun getConnectionTriples(connectionList: List<Pair<String, String>>): List<Triple<String, String, String>> {
            val triples = ArrayList<Triple<String, String, String>>()
            for (connection in connectionList) {
                val connectionListTemp = getAllConnections(connection.first, connectionList)
                for (i in connectionListTemp.indices) {
                    for (j in i + 1 until connectionListTemp.size) {
                        val con1 = connectionListTemp[i]
                        val con2 = connectionListTemp[j]
                        if (Pair(con1, con2) in connectionList || Pair(con2, con1) in connectionList) {
                            val tripleList = mutableListOf(connection.first, con1, con2)
                            triples.add(Triple(tripleList[0], tripleList[1], tripleList[2]))
            return triples.distinct()
        private fun getAllConnections(connection: String, connectionList: List<Pair<String, String>>): List<String> {
            val res = HashSet<String>()
            for (entry in connectionList) {
                when (connection) {
                    entry.first -> res.add(entry.second)
                    entry.second -> res.add(entry.first)
            return res.toList()
        override fun solvePartTwo(): String {
            val pools = getPools(connections)
            val res = pools.maxByOrNull { it.size }!!
            return res.joinToString(",")
        // will get all pools with a minimum size of 4
        // this method makes some naive assumptions, but works for the example and my puzzle input
        private fun getPools(connectionList: List<Pair<String, String>>): List<List<String>> {
            val pools = ArrayList<List<String>>()
            val triples = tripleCache
            val nodes = { listOf(it.first, it.second) }.flatten().toHashSet()
            for (node in nodes) {
                val contenders = triples.filter { it.first == node || it.second == node || it.third == node }
                if (contenders.size < 2) continue // expect the minimum result to be 4, for efficiency
                // if *all* nodes within *all* triples are interconnected, add to pool
                // this may not work for all inputs!
                val contenderList = { listOf(it.first, it.second, it.third) }.flatten().distinct()
                if (checkAllConnections(contenderList, connectionList)) {
            return pools.distinct()
        private fun checkAllConnections(pool: List<String>, connectionList: List<Pair<String, String>>): Boolean {
            for (i in pool.indices) {
                for (j in i + 1 until pool.size) {
                    val con1 = pool[i]
                    val con2 = pool[j]
                    if (Pair(con1, con2) !in connectionList && Pair(con2, con1) !in connectionList) {
                        return false
            return true
    • lwhjp
      22 months ago

      That’s a fun approach. The largest totally connected group will of course contain overlapping triples, so I think you’re effectively doing the same thing as checking a node at a time, just more efficiently.

  • @vole
    22 months ago


    My actual solution ran in about 2.5 seconds, but I optimized it to run in about 1 second.

    sub MAIN($input) {
        my $file = open $input;
        my @connection-list := $file.slurp.trim.lines>>.split("-")>>.List.List;
        my %connections;
        my %all-computers is SetHash;
        for @connection-list -> @c {
            my ($first, $second) = @c.sort;
            %connections{$first} = [] if %connections{$first}:!exists;
            %connections{$second} = [] if %connections{$second}:!exists;
        for %connections.values -> $list is rw {
            $list = $list.sort.List;
        my $part1-solution = 0;
        for %connections.keys -> $c1 {
            for %connections{$c1}.Seq -> $c2 {
                for (%connections{$c1} ∩ %connections{$c2}).keys -> $c3 {
                    next unless ($c1, $c2, $c3).any.substr(0,1) eq "t";
        say "part1 solution: $part1-solution";
        my $part2-solution = find-max-party((), %connections, %all-computers).join(",");
        say "part2 solution: $part2-solution";
    sub find-max-party(@party, %connections, %available-members) {
        my @max-party = @party;
        for %available-members.keys.sort -> $c1 {
            my @new-party := (|@party, $c1);
            my %new-available-members := %available-members ∩ %connections{$c1};
            my @max-party-candidate = find-max-party(@new-party, %connections, %new-available-members);
            @max-party = @max-party-candidate if @max-party-candidate.elems > @max-party.elems;
            last if @max-party.elems == @party.elems + %available-members.elems;
        return @max-party;
  • @Acters
    2 months ago


    Another day solved with optimized logic

    Method build_graph took : 1.327543 milliseconds
    Method count_unique_triads took : 903.221 microseconds
    Method find_largest_clique took : 926.006 microseconds
    Method solver took : 3.570724 milliseconds

    Again, Linux handles python better with a final solve time of a combined ~3.6 ms. still it is quite fast on windows with only 0.5 ms increase.

    Still having fun adding typing and comments with VSCode + Qwen-coder 1.5B running locally. feels so nice to be proud of readable and optimized code.

    from os.path import dirname,realpath,join
    from itertools import combinations as itertools_combinations
    from collections import defaultdict
    from import Callable
    def profiler(method) -> Callable[..., any]:
        from time import perf_counter_ns
        def wrapper_method(*args: any, **kwargs: any) -> any:
            start_time = perf_counter_ns()
            ret = method(*args, **kwargs)
            stop_time = perf_counter_ns() - start_time
            time_len = min(9, ((len(str(stop_time))-1)//3)*3)
            time_conversion = {9: 'seconds', 6: 'milliseconds', 3: 'microseconds', 0: 'nanoseconds'}
            print(f"Method {method.__name__} took : {stop_time / (10**time_len)} {time_conversion[time_len]}")
            return ret
        return wrapper_method
    def build_graph(connections: list[str]) -> defaultdict[set[str]]:
        Builds an adjacency list from the list of connections.
        adj = defaultdict(set)
        for conn in connections:
            nodes = conn.strip().split('-')
            node1, node2 = nodes
        return adj
    def count_unique_triads(adj: defaultdict[set[str]]) -> int:
        Counts the number of unique triads where a 't_node' is connected to two other nodes
        that are also directly connected to each other. Ensures that each triad is counted only once.
        unique_triads = set()
        # Identify all nodes starting with 't' (case-insensitive)
        t_nodes = [node for node in adj if node.lower().startswith('t')]
        for t_node in t_nodes:
            neighbors = adj[t_node]
            if len(neighbors) < 2:
                continue  # Need at least two neighbors to form a triad
            # Generate all unique unordered pairs of neighbors
            for node1, node2 in itertools_combinations(neighbors, 2):
                if node2 in adj[node1]:
                    # Create a sorted tuple to represent the triad uniquely
                    triad = tuple(sorted([t_node, node1, node2]))
        return len(unique_triads)
    def all_connected(nodes: tuple, adj: defaultdict[set[str]]) -> bool:
        Determines if all nodes are connected to each other by checking if every node is reachable from any other node.
        Effectively determines if a clique exists.
        for i,node in enumerate(nodes):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(nodes)):
                if nodes[j] not in adj[node]:
                    return False
        return True
    def find_largest_clique(adj: defaultdict[set[str]]) -> list[str]:
        Iterates over each vertex and its neighbors to find the largest clique. A clique is a subset of nodes where every pair of nodes is connected by an edge.
        The function returns the vertices of the largest clique found. If no clique is found, it returns an empty list.
        # Keep track of the largest connected set found so far
        best_connected_set = tuple(['',''])
        best_connected_set_len = len(best_connected_set)
        # Iterate over each vertex in the graph with the neighbors
        for vertex, neighbors in adj.items():
            # Since the clique must have all nodes share similar neighbors, 
            # then we can start with the size of the neighbors and iterate down to a clique size of the best connected set size
            for i in range(len(neighbors), best_connected_set_len-1, -1):
                # Iterate over all combinations of neighbors with size i
                for comb in itertools_combinations(neighbors, r=i):
                    if all_connected(comb, adj):
                        if len((*comb, vertex)) > best_connected_set_len:
                            best_connected_set = (*comb, vertex)
                            best_connected_set_len = len(best_connected_set)
        return sorted(best_connected_set)
    # Solve Part 1 and Part 2 of the challenge at the same time
    def solver(connections: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
        # Build the graph
        adj = build_graph(connections.splitlines())
        # return the count of unique triads and the largest clique found
        return count_unique_triads(adj),','.join(find_largest_clique(adj))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        BASE_DIR = dirname(realpath(__file__))
        with open(join(BASE_DIR, r'input'), 'r') as f:
            input_data ='\r', '').strip()
        result = solver(input_data)
        print("Part 1:", result[0], "\nPart 2:", result[1])
  • @mykl
    12 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • lwhjp
    12 months ago


    I was expecting a very difficult graph theory problem at first glance, but this one was actually pretty easy too!

    import Data.Bifunctor
    import Data.List
    import Data.Ord
    import Data.Set qualified as Set
    views :: [a] -> [(a, [a])]
    views [] = []
    views (x : xs) = (x, xs) : (second (x :) <$> views xs)
    choose :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
    choose 0 _ = [[]]
    choose _ [] = []
    choose n (x : xs) = ((x :) <$> choose (n - 1) xs) ++ choose n xs
    removeConnectedGroup connected = fmap (uncurry go . first Set.singleton) . Set.minView
        go group hosts =
            (group, hosts)
            (\h -> go (Set.insert h group) (Set.delete h hosts))
            $ find (flip all group . connected) hosts
    main = do
      net <- Set.fromList . map (second tail . break (== '-')) . lines <$> readFile "input23"
      let hosts = Set.fromList $ [fst, snd] <*> Set.elems net
          connected a b = any (`Set.member` net) [(a, b), (b, a)]
          complete = all (uncurry $ all . connected) . views
        . length
        . filter complete
        . filter (any ((== 't') . head))
        $ choose 3 (Set.elems hosts)
        . (intercalate "," . Set.toAscList)
        . maximumBy (comparing Set.size)
        . unfoldr (removeConnectedGroup connected)
        $ hosts