”Our Vivec is surrounded by a wall, with four gates granting entry into the city. Of them all, Garland Gate is the largest, greeting people approaching the city directly north of the Foreign Quarter. This expansive, maze-like interior features a plethora of varied spaces, such as the living quarters for the Ordinators stationing at the gate, offices, armories and a training room.”
- Overseer/Dominik
Man, I love these in-game posters.
You and I both! Most were designed bu Fury_on, who’s been making Morrowind art for a long time. https://www.artstation.com/fury_on
I feel like I’m already there, being mad dogged by a dude in a skintight helmet
Are these AI generated images? Or screenshots in game?
In-game screenshots. Don’t let the messed-up hands on the practice dummies fool you, it’s just hard to sew while wearing an Ordinator helmet.