These are straight, parallel roads (made with a single drag, so no like, plop a section, then plop another section) on a flat surface. and I keep getting weird gaps and misalignment and other stuff that is observably minor but is making me want to rip my goddamn fucking hair out with how its screwing up symmetry and other stuff.
The only thing I can find about this is to disable various snappings and to make sure the land is flat. I have redrawn this area like 2 dozen times trying various combinations of snapping and not snapping settings and it still does this same damn shit, and the land is flat.
it’s an inevitable problem caused by trying to use flat grid coordinates on a curved surface. these distortions are reason there are so many different map projections, eg mercator.
That’s what happens in real life because the world is a sphere, but in the game Is the map base actually curved or flat? It wouldn’t make sense to introduce a curve which just complicated things.
The map is flat, but even subtle texture on the map could cause warping
For the life of me I can’t figure out what causes it exactly. It seems to happen more around slopes. Sometimes I can “fix” it by rerunning the road, or by placing paths to push the grid around a little then delete paths.
I haven’t played with the zone control mod, but maybe it would help.
i literally spent half an hour on this before i rage quit in frustration. Drawing, redrawning, running the level tool over it, etc etc. It just…refuses to cooperate. I feel like sisyphus, lol
I cant believe the games been out for over a year and zoning is still a nightmare. Then again, it still runs like shit too. Wish I could refund the damn thing.
I don’t have issues running like shit, and learned to just work around the zoning quirks lol
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this is CS2.
Apparently i cant edit my OP to clarify that.
Cs2 had/still has? some really weird quirks like this. I could never get it 100%, especially with any elevation changes.
Cs1 I don’t remember having the issue.
it wasnt a CS1 issue that I can recall.
Which makes it all the more frustrating that its suddenly an issue in CS2. I cant believe dragging a single road, straight, across flat land is such an issue still.
Right? Like, the devs could have taken cs1, worked with the most popular mods to inject them into cs2, and put a fresh coat of paint on it and I would have been happy.
Cs2 has been such a struggle.
Thats exactly what I’ve said many times about CS2, lol.
hire the makers of the best mods to integrate them into the core game so they are more stable, more refined, more powerful, include the basic mechanisms from all the DLC from CS1, give the graphics a bit of a touch up (but not to the point you need SLI’d 4090 TI’s to get a playable frame rate), release as CS2 to rave reviews.
But instead they did a lot of weird and dumb shit and released the game like 2 years too early, and just like with the base game…rushed DLC out that was so awful it had to be removed from the store and refunds issued to purchasers.
The only thing stopping me from refunding the game at this point is the fact that I cant, because the steam key was purchased from Fanatical… and they wont give me a refund cause the key was revealed and registered, and steam wont give me a refund cause I didnt buy it via steam obviously.
I want to love the game. I really do. I loved Skylines 1. It was finally the game that scratched that long aching Sim City itch. I absolutely devoured that game. I upgraded my computer just so I could run more mods and play more of it.
but god, even a year after launch at this point, the game is still in this state that just nothing but make me want to go and get SimCity 4 working cause i dont even want to play CS1 anymore cause of it.