Like a fish tossed on land, when pulled out from its home in the water; The mind trembles and shakes, struggling to escape Māra’s realm.
– DhammaPada Verse 34
Picture Credit: Three Worlds, M.C. Escher, 1955
Related Teachings:
Guarding the mind leads to a good death (AN 3.109) ↗️ - The Buddha draws causation between the condition of mind, deeds, and the type of death a being will face as a result.
Being dear to oneself (SN 3.4) - One who engages in good conduct by body, speech, and mind is dear to themselves.
Guarding against irritability in body, speech, thought (DhP 231, 232, 233, 234) - The Buddha is advising against getting irritated, for bad conduct by way of body, speech or thoughts that fuel growth of ignorance (misapprehension of true reality/misapprehension of how things have come to be).