I’m sick and it is still snowing so I didn’t do the whole patio, but did scoop two paths for the dogs to reach some grass. Can’t do one because they will assume the other side would have been better and just hold it in.
Will need to redo them in a few hours when the dogs are ready to go again.
I’m sorry you have to do this while unwell, while also acknowledging that’s pretty heroic. Also not leaving them outside in it, because trust me, way too many do.
We have some drifts over a foot and they don’t have long legs so shoveling is necessary. I had to redo the one they picked this morning because it is still coming down, but at least they were good with it again :)
Glad for that!
Unless you have a husky haired corgi mix thing that hates how warm your elderly father in-law keeps the house.
The way snow falls off of her is really amazing when she’s finally ready to come in though. Our others used to get all clumped up, but the undercoat somehow prevents it.
Sounds like an excuse to buy a snowblower!
If you have a tarp handy, that’ll save some labor. Or a sheet you don’t need.
Thanks for this. I’ve been using a shovel and rake to clear a bit for the pup. She doesn’t love it even with a little snow. So I just bought a tarp and steaks and next snow she will be living the high life.
Dull mens club is changing my life for the better. First it got me eating delicious oranges. Now this. Incredible.
I might be on the verge of becoming interesting which I think makes me unqualified for this community. But then without the amazing support you all provide I’m sure I’ll become dull again.
I have a weiner dog who will only pee on grass. Tarp goes down, snow falls, tarp comes off, happy dog. He also has his own couch. He’s got me trained rather well.
Mine is a chihuahua mutt. We are similarly trained. She has like five always on heating pads all over the house on beds and couches. She needs to be in a lap or on something warm no matter the season.
Chihuahuas are from Mexico. They get cold really easily.
I’ve had luck with that on cars before having a garage made it not necessary, but the distance to the grass is long enough that it ends up being just as much work as shoveling.
I stocked up on supplies to get ready for the snow storm. It’s not supposed to be bad where I am, but I’d still rather be prepared. Still, I don’t intend to shovel much if at all. Certainly not the whole driveway. I’ll just wait until it melts off. Unless it stays frozen longer than I expect or I get more wintry weather than I bargained for, of course.
The state declared a weather emergency because ice came down before the snow so I may not even clear the driveway until late tomorrow at the earliest. No need to go out when there is an ice layer underneath tthe snow.