Swedish heavy/speed retro revivalists (with hints of thrash, e.g. Metallica’s Kill 'Em All) trying something new among their 80’s worship and I’d like to share. Starts off slow, building up their lyrical horror show, moving to a more upbeat riff which has me headbanging every time.

Tidal, Bandcamp, RateYourMusic, Encyclopaedia Metallum

  • @serpineslairM
    22 months ago

    This is my sort of thing. As you know, I’m really into the old-school stuff. This definitely recreates that feel and life of the older stuff for me. That being said, it does not resort to being just another revivalist carbon-copy. I feel, like you mentioned, it takes its time to create that atmosphere, which makes this track stand out more.

    These guys have been on my list for a while now, I can’t wait to get around to giving them a proper listen.

    • MyrOP
      22 months ago

      If we ever get to chatting on discord again sometime soon, I’ve got a whole list recommended for you buddy lol