So I’m re-doing some of my Do Not Press The Button (Or You’ll Delete The Multiverse) character models and I have this duck that is kind of inspired by the Companion Cube in Portal. I want to make it as appealing as possible so the players will attach to it and carry it around with them. Which looks better! I’m more partial to the neck tie (because I like wearing them) but what do you guys think?
(If you want to follow how development of the game is going, a simple wishlist on Steam will be well appreciated STEAM )
I like the neck tie myself.
Both and each time you look away it swaps!
Bow tie, it makes the ducks neck look a little less long and that’s more aesthetically pleasing to me, just one opinion.
I want a tall skinny duck with a long neck toe and a short fat duck with a wide bow tie.
Bowties only look good when the shirt has studs instead of buttons. Since the duck isn’t wearing a shirt, the neck tie looks better.
The neck tie is less crowded. The bow tie with the hat and the ducks bill has a lot going on all in the same area. Maybe if the bow tie was lower or overall there was a little more space, it’d work better.
Or if the chest area of the duck was filled with something to provide balance
Bow tie
There’s no wrong answer here, but I like the bow tie.
Kids agree on bow tie.
I’m going to have to go with the bow tie, especially with the hat.
If the duck sits still (actual stuffy), bow. If it moves around (comes alive), neck.
I don’t know anything about how this character is used in the game, so please pardon my ignorance. Having said that: the bow tie has a huge advantage in that it never has to move. If the duck waddles along, the tie should move side-to-side independently. If the duck jumps, is hit, or near wind or an explosion, the tie will need independent animations for each circumstance. If the duck is carried, the neck tie should always point down, unless it’s fast or wobbly; then the tie should move accordingly. I’m sure there are other circumstances I haven’t mentioned, but you get the point.
Wow. I have overthought this.
From a development perspective, I lean strongly towards the bow tie. It’s much simpler. Also, as another commenter mentioned, that top hat demands a bow tie.
bow tie for sure
Bow tie for sure.
Neck tie for me