A webpage on the State of Louisiana’s official site appears to be advertising “animal porn Porn Videos.” The online home of the Federal Judicial Center offers “free how to sex videos,” with a closed captioning feature. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s SimpleReport, identified as an “official website of the United States government” in a banner at the top of the page, provides “Desi Girl Xxx Video sex Videos,” while the City of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, points to “Sexy Beautiful European Porn.”

These are just a few examples of the wide range of U.S. government websites inadvertently directing visitors to hardcore porn content. Other examples can readily be discovered when searching for pornographic keywords like “xxx” and utilizing Google’s “site:” search operator to query only U.S. government domains.

  • Boomer Humor Doomergod
    2 months ago

    Kentico confirmed to The Intercept that “media libraries are not secured by default” and that the “default admin account has no password.”

    Good enough for government work 🙄

    Edit: I checked their pricing and they’re charging thousands of dollars a month for this software.