TIL there’s a giant, ring shaped country in Europe that has coastlines in the Baltic, North Sea, Mediterranean and Black Sea
This is absolutely outrageous. As an American I should have the right to buy land mines at an IKEA too. I mean I don’t know what I’d use them for, but unlike guns, I don’t need to be a good shot in order to use them. Maybe I could go deer hunting LMAO
You can’t leave me hanging like this! Has this happened in New Zeland ??!?
What’s a New Zealand? Lazyiest hoax country, first they give it the name of a Danish island, then when someone points out Denmark didn’t have colonies in the Pacific, they come up with a BS excuse it’s a misspelling of Zeeland because it was named by the Dutch, and then they forget to include it in 90% of the maps. Most incompetent conspiracy ever.
Do we have a ‘maps without NZ’ page?
that’s just all maps.
It has happened in Poland. Is Zealand another name for Poland?
See the map for New Zealand.
I don’t think I’m getting the joke
New Zealand could also be in red, but since it’s cropped out we can’t know for sure.
“boss, I took those disc things and fixed all the wobbly tables in the food court.”
that was table tennis table
That we know of.
Somewhere at a random big box store
Stock Room Employee: “WTF is this? Oh well. Not my problem.” Chucks landmine into trash compactor
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