If you can’t remember how to spell desert or dessert, think of Strawberry Shortcake which has 2 x “S”. That makes deSSert the thing you eat, and deSert the place that’s hot

WhyYSK - correct spelling is gud!

  • @wheresyourshoe
    41 year ago

    My mom taught me “because you always want more dessert” it has more s’s.

  • Pirky
    41 year ago

    I always remembered it because the reverse of desserts is stressed. So if you’re stressed you need some desserts.

  • @radix
    21 year ago

    You want to eat more dessert than desert. More “S” is better tasing.

  • @RightHandOfIkaros
    11 year ago

    Desert has sand. Sand is spelled with one S. Its also course and rough, and gets everywhere.

    Desserts are all kinds of sweets. Spelled with two S.

  • @Heavy_Mikado
    11 year ago

    I learned it as nothing grows in the desert, including extra S’s.